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MOD: The Real Deal

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  • MOD: The Real Deal

    The Real Deal

    v2.01 (Compatible with 1.29f!)

    Updated to correct pediaicons.txt

    Updated Man-O-War to have correct actions.

    v2.0 (Compatible with 1.29f!)

    Now I’m nearing a happy medium for this mod, I thought I’d start afresh and name this update v2.0. Ideas have come from mainly my own views, some based on realism, some on balancing and some on just pure fun. From recently looking at a few of the other mods about the forums, I noticed that many of my views and opinions are shared, some pure coincidence, others I used and modified.

    The aim of this mod is to slightly prolong the early ages as I felt these were progressing to fast, produce a more balanced game with nothing added that the Ai itself couldn’t utilise effectively. Just you wait until the Ai uses those outlaws and privateers to steal your workers/cities and sink you laden galleons while Neutral towards you! It seems that in bringing the privateer further forward in the tech tree and separating it from the frigate, the Ai actually builds it! Overall the age of sail has been lengthened with the frigate and galleon also being brought forward in the tech tree. One can’t, however, just beeline for Navigation to get these too early since they still require saltpeter from Gunpowder to build them. In general, all the way up the tech tree the naval aspect has been tweaked and improved. With kayaks (canoes for expansionist civs) is now possible to expand from those hopeless island starts at the beginning of a game, however, just beware of those more deadly barbarians ships now.

    One of the major improvements was to prolong the map trading and communications trading aspect of the game. These have been substantially delayed to improve the fun, explorative part of civ3 which will now last right up to astronomy.

    You just got to try the new improved bow and arrow units. Addition of a zero range, defensive bombardment means they are useful in defending as long as they are part of a stack. This has now been included for the marine and the modern infantry units to bolster their capabilities. The marine and helicopter now have a range of 8 and the helicopter can carry 2. With the late game modern infantry the helicopter should be fairly useful.

    The mid-late game has been tweaked to make the Space race trickier and has many more improvements to build for the pacifist builder. One of the problems was that the end game became boring if not at war, since much of the tech tree contained solely military units. Now with theatres and shopping malls we have two new improvements, with the museum, shipyard and now readily available ironworks we have essentially 3 extra SWs and with the Internet and AI we have brand new late game Wonders.

    More missile-based units adds to the modern feel and makes bombardment and air defence play greater roles. The thing I like about missiles is they prevent the end game tedium of having to move round tons of units since they themselves are destroyed when used. Their powerful lethal bombardment more than makes up for this failing. The cruise is a powerful land-based missile which can be loaded onto nuclear subs and the AEGIS, whereas the tomahawk is less powerful, immobile but has the ability to be re-based quickly (including island to island). Introducing lethal bombardment to these and the stealth fighter meant that they can have their role for finishing off weakened units in the field or cities, but with their relatively lower power not become over-powerful or replace the bomber.

    To install:
    Unzip contents of "real" into a temporary folder.

    Put "Real_Deal2.0" into "Civilization III\"

    Backup old "resources.pcx" then copy new resources.pcx into "Civilization III\Art\"
    Backup old "pediaicons.txt" and "civilopedia.txt", then copy new versions over into "Civilization III\Text\"
    Backup old "buildings-large.pcx" and "buildings-small.pcx", then copy new files into "Civilization III\Art\City Screen\"

    Put "66crossbowmansmall" and "66crossbowmanlarge.pcx" into" Civilization III\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Units\"

    Copy and paste contents of "Civilization III\Art\units\Explorer\" into a new folder: "Civilization III\Art\units\Outlaw\". Rename "Explorer.ini" in the new Outlaw folder to "Outlaw.ini"

    Copy and paste contents of "Civilization III\Art\units\Paratrooper\" into the "Civilization III\Art\units\Marine\"folder and rename "Paratrooper.ini" to "Marine.ini"

    Copy and paste contents of "Civilization III\Art\units\Marine\" into a new folder: "Civilization III\Art\units\Modern Infantry\". Rename "Marine.ini" in the new Modern Infantry folder to "Modern Infantry.ini"

    Download "Tomahawk" (later on in thread) and add contents to a new folder: "Civilization III\Art\units\ Tomahawk Missile\"

    Download "" (later on in thread) and add contents to a new folder: "Civilization III\Art\units\ Canoe\"

    Download "" (later on in thread) and add contents to a new folder: "Civilization III\Art\units\ Kayak\"

    Download "" (later on in thread) and add contents to a new folder: "Civilization III\Art\units\ Crossbowman \"

    And away you go…

    So, here’s the Deal:


    Penalties for draft and sacrifice reduced to 15 turns.
    Fortresses give a 100 defensive bonus, rivers 50, and towns 10 (similar to all terrain).
    Wealth now 6 shields/gold.
    Forests give 15 shields.
    Barbarian ship is now the Privateer instead of the Galley. Helps curb early exploration by making sea travel more dangerous.
    Intercept: 60
    Intercept stealth: 6


    AI to AI tech rates modified to bring it more in line with the human player:
    Chieftain 115
    Warlord 120
    Regent 125
    Monarch 130
    Emperor 135
    Deity 140

    Human now gets lower bonuses against barbarians.


    Only 1 free tech for each civilisation instead of 2. Helps prolong the Ancient Era.

    Flagged choices for building artillery, naval and air units for various civilisations.

    Changed each civ’s colour so that they are always the same colour.
    Barbarians: Pink
    English: Red
    Americans: Dark blue
    Babylonians: Purple
    Persians: Light Pink
    Chinese: Turquoise
    Japanese: Deep Red
    Indians: Orange
    French: Blue
    Russians: Green
    Iroquois: Brown
    Zulus: Black
    Egyptians: Yellow
    Greek: Light blue
    Aztecs: Dark Green
    Germans: Dark Grey
    Romans: Light Grey


    Due to the way the AI in 1.29f concentrates mainly on tech advances that are required for era advancement and will often bypass ones that don’t…
    Printing Press,
    Advanced Flight,
    Free Artistry,

    All are needed for Era advancement now. This helps slow the AI up a little especially in the Middle Ages.

    Astronomy now allows map and communications trading instead of Map Making and Writing.

    Tech Rates now
    Standard 245
    Large 330
    Huge 415


    Communism now has elite spies
    Monarchy has veteran diplomats and spies
    Despotism has a slider limit of 80%
    Monarchy and Republic have slider limits of 90%
    Communism and Democracy have no slider limits
    Democracy now no longer immune to propaganda


    Slight reduction in general certain espionage costs.


    Tax collectors now 2
    Scientists now 2


    (Food, shields, commerce)
    Fish 3,0,1
    Pearls 0,1,2 (sea, coast)
    Whales 2,2,2
    Gold 0,0,5
    Oasis 2,0,0 (desert)
    Oil (now appears in flood plains in addition)

    Sea movement 1
    Ocean movement 2

    Defensive bonuses:
    Forest now 50
    Jungle 50
    Hills 100
    Mountains 150


    All Spaceship parts scaled up in costs from (160, 320 and 640 to 300, 500 and 700)

    SS Stasis Chamber {now Recycling}
    SS Planetary Lounge now cost 700

    Theatre {Free Artistry} cost 160, culture 4, +50% luxury output, maintenance 1, requires Colosseum (otherwise will always be Ai’s first choice of building).
    Shopping Mall {Corporation} cost 200, +50 tax output, requires bank, maintenance 1
    Factory now gives -1 culture, 1 unhappy citizen.
    Solar plant now gives 3 production instead of 2 (encourages more of a will-you-won’t-you swap your hydro plants for them situation when they become available)

    Small Wonders:
    Museum cost 300, culture 20, requires 5 Theatres.
    Shipyard cost 300, culture 2, pollution 2, production 1, adds 1 shield per worked water square, adds extra food per worked water square, requires 5 harbours, requires iron and saltpeter and coastal town.
    Ironworks cost 300, production 3, pollution 3, now requires coal and iron, but not in same city radius. Made it more likely to build as I’ve never seen this built before.

    Great Wonders:
    Great Wall puts Walls in every city on continent, now costs 400; previously it was useless especially to the AI.
    Internet {Computers} cost 1200, culture 3, acts as the Great Library. Will help move the modern era along a bit, but if the tech leader builds this they gain no significant advantage.
    Artificial Intelligence {Robotics} cost 1200, culture 3, gives research labs in every city. +50 tax output. Will help move the modern era a long a bit.
    Cure for Cancer now culture 40! Cost 1200, the big culture wonder for those cultural victories.
    Longevity {Sanitation} cost 800. Basically this was useless where it appeared in the tech tree.
    Copernicus’ and Newton’s now cost 500.
    Manhattan now cost 100.
    Great Lighthouse, now increases ship movement by 1, increases shield and food in worked water squares. No safe sea travel since galleys can now safely traverse the sea.


    Att/def/move (bomb/range/rof)
    New units

    Canoe {available from the start} 0,0,2 cost 20, carry 1, only available to expansionist civs, upgrade to Galley.
    Kayak {available from the start} 0,0,1 cost 20, carry 1, available to all other civs, upgrade to Galley.
    Crossbowman {replaces longbowman}, longbowman is the English UU.
    Outlaw {Feudalism} 3,1,1 cost 40, hidden nationality, foot unit
    Modern Infantry {Ecology} 12,15, 1 (12, 0, 2) cost 110, draft, infantry upgrade, requires rubber, foot unit, offensive + defensive tagged, lethal land (basically, if unit is in a stack when attacked it will get one free bombard attack like artillery do. This was added to make sure there’s a useful infantry unit in Modern Era and help the cause of the Helicopter).
    Tomahawk missile (12, 6, 4) {Rocketry} cost 60, immobile, re-base. Different missile mechanics to the cruise missile. Only cruise missile tagged to prevent re-basing onto nuclear subs.

    Changes to existing units

    All missile troops have ZOC (guns and arrows)
    All units can be airlifted

    Explorer {Astronomy}
    Archer 2,1,1 (2,0,1) lethal land, see modern infantry for explanation on bombard with 0 range. Makes archers, bowmen , crossbowmen and longbowmen worth building and also useful in defence.
    Bowman 2,2,1 (2,0,1) lethal land
    Crossbowman 4,1,1 (4,0,1) lethal land, upgrade to Marine
    Longbowman 5,1,1 (5,0,1) lethal land, upgrade to Marine
    Swordsman upgrade to Marine
    Infantry 7,10,1
    Marine 10,8,1 (10,0,2) airdrop range 8, amphibious assault
    Helicopter can now carry 2, range 8

    Tank wheeled
    Panzer wheeled
    Mech Inf wheeled, deselected offence tag.
    Modern Armour wheeled

    All artillery have higher strength, lower rate of fire.
    Catapult (5,1,1)
    Cannon (10,1,1)
    Artillery (16,2,1)
    Radar Artillery (22,2,1) {Miniaturisation} move 2

    Ironclad, Destroyer, Battleship, Transport, Carrier and Submarine +1 hp;
    AEGIS and Nuclear Sub +2 hp.

    Galley 1,1,3 now can safely travel seas (previously isolated starting positions were impossible, this helps to alleviate this for human and AI).
    Caravel 1,2,5 {now Education}
    Galleon 1,2,7 {now Navigation}
    Frigate 4,2,7 (4,1,2) {now Navigation} available to non-expansionist civs, upgrade to Destroyer
    Man-O-War 5,2,7 (5,1,2) {now Navigation} available to expansionist civs, upgrade to Destroyer
    Privateer 3,1,7 (3,1,2) {Astronomy}
    Ironclad 5,4,6 (5,1,2) {Industrialisation} (slower than frigate/galleon across ocean), upgrade to Destroyer
    Destroyer 12,9,4 (6,1,3) all terrain as roads, (fastest ship with potential movement of 12 if it doesn’t attack)
    Battleship 20,12,3 (8,2,3) all terrain as roads, radar, blitz (potential for 3 assaults if no other movement)
    AEGIS Cruiser 12,15,3 (6,2,3) {Nuclear Power} all terrain as roads, lethal land, radar, blitz, see invisible, carry 2 missiles (naval power and missile transport selected)
    Transport 1,5,3 all terrain as roads, carry 8
    Carrier 1,9,3 {Advanced Flight}all terrain as roads, carry 5
    Submarine 10,5,3 all terrain as roads
    Nuclear Sub 10,5,3 all terrain as roads, carry 3 missiles

    Cruise Missile (16,4,4) tactical missile and cruise missile selected
    Fighter 4,2,1 (2,0,2) range 5
    Bomber 0,2,1 (8,0,3) range 7
    Jet Fighter 8,5,1 (4,0,2) range 7, lethal land/sea, air bombard and defence selected
    F15 8,6,1 (6,0,3) range 7, lethal land/sea, air bombard and defence selected
    Stealth Fighter (6,0,3) range 8, lethal land/sea
    Stealth Bomber (10,0,3) range 8, lethal sea

    Pre 1.3 edited after 57 downloads.

    1.3 edited after 60 downloads.

    2.0 updated after 14 downloads.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by =DrJambo=; August 10, 2002, 06:41.

  • #2
    For Modern Inf:
    Just copy files from the marine folder into a newly created "Modern Infantry" folder renaming the .ini file "Modern Infantry"

    Same for the Outlaw. Pick the unit animations and sounds you want to replicate from another unit, copy these into a new folder named "Outlaw" and rename the .ini file to "Outlaw".
    Last edited by =DrJambo=; August 7, 2002, 04:17.


    • #3
      Re: NEW MOD: The Real Deal v1.0

      Originally posted by =DrJambo=
      Tax collectors now 2
      Scientists now 3
      Interesting. Making scientist better then taxemen.

      Archer 2,1,1 (2,0,1) lethal land, see modern inf for explanation on bombard with 0 range. Makes archers, bowmen and longbowman worth building and also useful in defence.
      Nice idea.

      Sea movement 2
      Ocean movement 2

      Factory now makes 1 unhappy and gives 3 pollution
      Solar plant now gives 3 production instead of 2 (encourages more of a will you, won’t you swap your hydro plants for them situation when they become available)
      Interesting tweaks to Factory (unhappiness) and Solar Plant.
      Although why would anyone but risky Nuclear Plants then?

      Musketeer (3,5,1) now useful
      Musketeer = Renessance Hoplite

      Transport 1,5,2 all terrain as roads
      Carrier 1,10,2 all terrain as roads
      Submarine 10,5,2 all terrain as roads
      Nuclear Sub 10,5,2 all terrain as roads, carry 2 missiles
      good idea about "all terrain as roads"

      Anyway, interesting all-around MOD.
      With lots of interesitng tweaks.

      Personnaly I like more MODs which are closer to original Civ3, but that's the reason why I made my own MOD. (some other people like more radical MODs)


      • #4
        Last edited by =DrJambo=; August 6, 2002, 16:20.


        • #5
          Unfortunately for the present, and until i find something better, the outlaw just uses the Explorer unit/animation. Just copy the Explorer's files across to:
          Civilization III\Art\units\Outlaw\

          Then rename the "Explorer.ini" file "Outlaw.ini" and away you go!


          • #6
            Tax collectors have a bigger impact than Scientists do, so the +3 science revalues this imbalance.

            You gotta try the addition of 0 range bombard to archers, etc, it really does make them a welcome addition to any stacked units on the same square. By themselves they don't get the free shot, i.e. they need protection.

            Modifying sea and Ocean movement costs was a way to help distinguish between the older seafaring vessels and the more modern, safer ones. Ironclads were bad in the sea and ocean, (so i'm lead to believe from people round these forums), so be giving them "all terrain as roads" option this helps to enforce this. Plus it gives the frigate an advantage over the ironclad and will help to make frigates more useful during the age of sail.

            The musketman/musketeer are now a useful units with those values

            Unhappiness from the Factory will help to combat the added advantages from the Museum and Genetics Wonders. Plus it'll will encourage human players to have a more conservative and thoughtful approach to building them.

            Nuclear plant is 4 production and costs 240, Solar Plant is 3 and costs 320. Nuclear Plant has drawbacks assuming civil disorder breaks out. I think that makes them kind of fair.

            The beauty of this mod, is that it doesn't play too differently from the original civmod.bic, although maybe moreso than your own mod.

            Thanks for the feedback.


            • #7
              Re: NEW MOD: The Real Deal v1.0

              Originally posted by =DrJambo=
              Palace gives 25% defence bonus
              This was part of korn's blitz mod for some time, but caused a lot of weird effects - e.g. barbarians could destroy your palace, which resulted in a corruption-free empire. (I'm not sure about v1.21f, though.)

              Otherwise, quite interesting mod, especially the bombard archers/longbowmen.
              "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


              • #8
                Re: Re: NEW MOD: The Real Deal v1.0

                Originally posted by lockstep

                This was part of korn's blitz mod for some time, but caused a lot of weird effects - e.g. barbarians could destroy your palace, which resulted in a corruption-free empire. (I'm not sure about v1.21f, though.)

                Otherwise, quite interesting mod, especially the bombard archers/longbowmen.
                Oh really? Didn't know that, can anyone clarify whether this is still the case with 1.21f?

                Thanks for your comments


                • #9
                  I cannot clarify the palace bug, but I have questions of my own:

                  Do the museum, theatre and mall appear on the city view screen?
                  If not, do you know how can I do that by myself?
                  Are you planning on doing any civlopedia entries to go with the patch?
                  Does the AI use effectively the new units and builds?

                  I really like your MOD, as you said it is not so far from the original game, and it actually improves it.


                  • #10
                    the palace bug

                    here is what i ran into

                    *when barbarians sacked your capital the palace disappeared, though it didn't seem to have an effect on corruption
                    *you couldn't build a palace in a city with 6 (possibly 7) or more pop
                    *bombard could destroy the palace and it was the first to go

                    i think that is about it


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by korn469
                      *when barbarians sacked your capital the palace disappeared, though it didn't seem to have an effect on corruption
                      What about corruption based on distance (from the palace)? Wasn't it completely messed?
                      "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                      • #12
                        it didn't seem to be, but i'm not positive, though i'm in agreement with you that until more testing is done on this i wouldn't recommend doing it, plus the first time your capital gets bombed losing your palace sucks


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Adc
                          I cannot clarify the palace bug, but I have questions of my own:

                          Do the museum, theatre and mall appear on the city view screen?
                          If not, do you know how can I do that by myself?
                          Are you planning on doing any civlopedia entries to go with the patch?
                          Does the AI use effectively the new units and builds?

                          I really like your MOD, as you said it is not so far from the original game, and it actually improves it.

                          The palace defensive bonus has been removed v1.1

                          The Museum, Theatre and Mall do appear on the city view screen, but you have have to install their icons that i have now included in v1.1. Put them in Civilization III\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\buildings\

                          Civilopedia will eventually get done, but probably not until i am satisfied that the mod works and plays well.

                          Will get back to you about the AI and the new units and buildings once i know more. AI used to use the Outlaw to good effect with 1.17f. Still relatively untested with 1.21f.

                          Thanks for your comments.


                          • #14
                            Version 1.2 is here!

                            Look at first post for details and download.

                            Feedback would be appreciated.

                            Enjoy folks


                            • #15
                              It's good you made Longbowmen upgrade to Riflemen.

