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MOD: Akka's TecHP mod.

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  • #16
    Re: MOD : Akka's TecHP mod.

    Originally posted by Akka le Vil
    New versions are at the bottom of the message. Newest changes are in BLUE.
    Coracle : 0-0-1, +0 HP, transport 1 unit, sink in sea and ocean, upgrade to galley.
    Galley : 1-1-2, +0 HP, transport 2 units, sink in sea and ocean, upgrade to sail.
    Sail : 1-1-3, +1 HP, transport 2 units, sink in ocean, upgrade to caravel.
    Caravel : 1-2-4, +1 HP, transport 3 units, upgrade to galleon.
    Galleon : 1-2-5, +2 HP, transport 4 units, upgrade to transport.
    I like your notion of extending the age of "wooden ships & iron men".

    I'd like to recommend adding the galleas, a Renaissance upgrade of the galley with artillery etc. Here's a link:

    These ships were extremely well suited to the Mediterranean but not the open ocean. To me, this suggests two different upgrade paths for ships, one for sail and one for oar. Perhaps the starting unit for the Oared should be a Longboat, which upgrades to Galley and then to Galleas. Likewise Coracle to Sail to Caravel etc. ... Perhaps you might rename "Sail" to "Cog", the type of ship the English used in their victory at Sluys in 1339:

    All the Best,

    ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


    • #17
      Originally posted by lockstep
      Two tests:

      - Research currency, but not ceremonial burial. Can you change citizens into taxmen then? (Under v1.16, the answer was NO.)
      I just made a test. No, you can't directly make a taxpayer, you HAVE to got an entairtainer first.

      It sucks

      - Don't research anything, let your first city grow until civil disorder starts. If your domestic advisor comes up, select 'give the people some entertainment'. Does the game crush? (Under v1.16, the answer was YES.)
      Good news, this time the answer is good : NO, the game won't crash

      I like your notion of extending the age of "wooden ships & iron men".

      I'd like to recommend adding the galleas, a Renaissance upgrade of the galley with artillery etc. Here's a link:

      These ships were extremely well suited to the Mediterranean but not the open ocean. To me, this suggests two different upgrade paths for ships, one for sail and one for oar. Perhaps the starting unit for the Oared should be a Longboat, which upgrades to Galley and then to Galleas. Likewise Coracle to Sail to Caravel etc. ... Perhaps you might rename "Sail" to "Cog", the type of ship the English used in their victory at Sluys in 1339:

      All the Best,

      Thanks for your input, Oz
      But for the galleas stuff, I don't think I'll add it. On the first hand, I don't see which tech will allow the building of the unit (there is already a whole line of tech that is dedicaced to other ship ), and moreover, I don't see which role I could give them.
      I'll consider the thing for the Cog, but I often prefer more generic units, to not link them to a particular culture and keep them "general".

      Thanks for the ideas though
      Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


      • #18
        Many good things.

        I like the new ships, but they seem too slow. IMO, the fastest ship should be at least as fast as the fastest land unit on a road, from the iron age to the age of motorism.
        The difference between industrial society and information society:
        In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
        In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

