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  • Please help

    please help
    Ok when i change government from anarchy to democracy i experience anarchys corruption levels . If it is the same a civ 2 democracy should experience no corruption it also state's in the manual and the civilopida that democracy experience's no corruption . And yes of course i have built court houses and happyness city improvement's . Wot's going on ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? if any 1 knows that would be great or if ne 1 know's the e-mail for support on civ 3 that would be great .

  • #2
    democracy does not function the same way as it has in the past
    the corruption levels do decrease, but not disappear all together

    the corruption is increased due to more than the optimum number of cities and the distance those cities are from the capitol. have you built the forbidden palace? it would greatly help your corruption problems.

    if you find that the corruption is still too much, you can change the optimum number of cities per map size on the editor. or you can add the corruption reducing flag to more improvements. there is also one more method i am forgetting at the moment.

    some people here just cant stand the corruption, others like it. luckily, firaxis has given us the abiltiy to change it if we choose.
    enjoy the game.


    • #3
      The latest patch lets you set the corruption slider under difficulty levels in the editor.

