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The SIMWIZ2 COMBAT MOD Version 2.0

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  • The SIMWIZ2 COMBAT MOD Version 2.0

    Download Simwiz2 Combat Mod Version 2.0 here!

    Check out the mod page here!

    Version 2.0 Readme:

    Civilization 3 Complete Combat Mod by Simwiz2
    Version 2.0

    1. Back up your original default civ3mod.bic file.
    2. Open and unzip it to your civilization 3 folder. When prompted about overwriting your civ3mod.bic, click Yes. New unit graphics files will automatically be sent to the correct folders.

    About this mod:
    Defense is improved. Overall combat predictability is increased. Resources are slightly more common. Artillery type units are more important. All units with bombard can sink ships. Some units are made more useful: F-15, Man-O-War, Radar Artillery, Mech Inf. Modern times are more interesting to play.

    Changes v2.0:
    *frigate mv5, galleon mv5, transport mv6, carrier mv6, sub mv5, destroyer mv7, BB mv6, cruiser mv7, nuke sub mv6.
    *normal intercept 100%, stealth intercept 35%
    *cannon bmb 12, arty bmb 30, rad arty bmb 65, dest bmb 24, BB bmb 35, cruis bmb 30, fighter bmb 18, bomber bmb 32, jet fight bmb 35, jet bomber bmb 70, stlth bomb bmb 72, F15 bmb 45
    *rifle 8.9.1, inf 12.18.2, tank 23.11.2, mech inf 29.40.3, mod armor 46.27.3
    *crashes involving cruiser, commando, jet bomber fixed
    *citizen defense 16, bldg defense 20
    *all units w/ bombard will have lethal bombard vs ships, cruise missiles will keep lethal bombard vs ground as well.
    *tanks/MA's cost >2x as much as infantry/mech inf.
    *democracy and communism changed slightly.
    *modern units have slightly more hitpoints
    *defense bonuses altered slightly

    Changes v1.1:
    *Musketeer now has the intended 5.6.1 stats
    *Cossack now has the intended 8.6.3 stats
    *Longbowman now has 2 defense, to compensate for musketman's attack of 4.
    *Swordsmen now upgrade to musketmen.
    *Longbowmen now upgrade to riflemen.
    *Ironclads now dissapear from the build list when Destroyers are available.
    *Frigates now dissapear from the build list when Destroyers are available.
    *Hurry turn penalty down to 25 (from 30)
    *Draft penalty down to 20 (from 25)
    *Chance to intercept air missions increased to 100%
    *Chance to intercept stealth missions increased to 25%
    *Commando now uses the marine icon

    **Earlier versions (1.0 and 1.1) were posted on CivFanatics**
    The Civ3 world is one where stealth bombers are unable to sink galleons, Man-O-Wars are a powerful counter to battleships, and knights always come equipped with the AT-S2 Anti-Tank Sword.

    The Simwiz2 Combat Mod Version 2.0 is available for download! See the changes here. You can download it from the CivFanatics Thread or the Apolyton Thread.