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Future Age creation ideas

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  • Future Age creation ideas

    Just want to discuss ideas on creating a decent Future Age to extend the current standard patched up Civ3 game.

    My ideas so far.... A lot of the Future Age techs can be base on various big important SMAC/X techs... like Industrial Automation, Mind/Machine Interface, Applied Physics, Fusion Power, Pre-Sentient Algorithm, Doctrine: Flexibility (renamed of course), Doctrine: Initiative, and etc....

    As for future units.... can introduce the Formers (renamed possibly) to replace the modern worker, Colony Pod to replace the modern settler, Rovers (in general, no different weaps and armor), Hovertanks, Gravships, Power Armored Infantry, Battleoid/Mech/Gear/Mobile suit/battle suit, Probe Team to replace current spy, Foils, new Cruisers, Fusion Carrier, Air Carrier, and etc....

    fine and dandy to add units, techs, buildings and wonders.... but would like to see balanced out, to fit well with the rest of the standard patched ages, and to be fun and interesting. What do you people think?


  • #2

    A detailed future era sounds like it has XP written all over it.
    No comment.

