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1.21f Blocks Civ III

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  • 1.21f Blocks Civ III

    Installing 1.21f causes the game to not detect the CD-Rom.

    I get a "please insert the CD-Rom and try again" message after installing the patch and trying to start the game.

    I have a French "Collector" version of Civ III and my OS is French Win 98 SE.

    When I install the game, the version is 1.16f and it works just fine. Installing the 1.21f patch causes the abovementioned problem.

    I tried reinstalling (several times) and starting through clicking on all possible icons. Nothing helps and I am furious.

    Has anyone had the same problem? How do I solve it?

    Thanks in advance for any tips.

  • #2
    I bought the American Version only cause I didn't want problems with patches .

    I can't fond anything in the official French version site ( ) about 1.21f

    Try to contact Firaxis, it's the only advise I can give you right now.

    A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority. -Samuel Johnson- (1709-84), English author
    I love the language, that soft bastard Latin,/Which melts like kisses from a female mouth,/And sounds as if it should be writ on satin/With syllables which breathe of the sweet South.-Lord Byron- (1788-1824), English poet.
    Lump the whole thing! Say that the Creator made Italy from designs by Michael Angelo! -Mark Twain- (1835-1910), U.S. author.


    • #3
      I called the Infogrames-France hotline today and they said the 1.21f patch is not compatible with foreign language versions of Civ III.

      A fact that is not mentioned anywhere on the official Civ III SITE.

      A big thank-you to Firaxis and Infogrames


      • #4
        Well, just wait until they tell you that there never will be a patch 1.21 for the french version (they did just that with the german 1.17 patch)

        Btw, I don't think that this is Firaxis' responsibility... but Infogrames....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Giovanni August
          I bought the American Version only cause I didn't want problems with patches .
          Where did you buy it ? On ?
          "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


          • #6
            I've got the same problem under WinXP Pro FR and Civ3 FR

            It's disturbing =))

            Any hope in a short period of time ?


            • #7
              I get this from Infogrames :

              Nous vous informons que les patchs 1.17f et 1.21f sont incompatibles avec la version de Civilisation 3 Française que vous venez d'acquerir. En effet, ces patchs sont compatibles uniquement avec la version Americaine.

              Dans le cas où vous avez telechargé un de ces patchs nous vous conseillons de desinstaller le jeux en cliquant sur "Demarrer"", "Parametres", "Panneau de configuration" et cliquez sur " Ajout/suppression de programes" dans la liste supprimer en double cliquant sur "Civilisation 3"... Nous vous conseillons aussi de supprimer le repertoire "Civilisation III" dans votre disque dur :
              C:\Program Files\Civilisation III\ , une fois celà effectué, reinstallez le jeux sans ces patchs.

              Veuillez noter qu'une localisation du patch 1.21f est prévue. Nous vous tiendrons informé de la disponibilité de ce patch "version Française" par le biais de notre site :
              I think I will try to buy the US version to avoid waiting patch translation.
              "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nym

                Where did you buy it ? On ?
                I actually bought it in the a shop near my home in Turin (ITALY).
                If you live near the border you might want to check it

                A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority. -Samuel Johnson- (1709-84), English author
                I love the language, that soft bastard Latin,/Which melts like kisses from a female mouth,/And sounds as if it should be writ on satin/With syllables which breathe of the sweet South.-Lord Byron- (1788-1824), English poet.
                Lump the whole thing! Say that the Creator made Italy from designs by Michael Angelo! -Mark Twain- (1835-1910), U.S. author.


                • #9
                  Me too. I bought Civ III on a shop in Milano, way before the Italian version become available.

                  I hate the (usually) bad translation I get in the past, not to mention the trouble you get when try to share experience with international users (different name for menu, commands, game items, etc.).

                  I really need italian translation with RPG games where the spoken part must be understood very well to play the game (e.g. I liked the Blade Runner game translation few years ago.
                  "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                  - Admiral Naismith


                  • #10
                    Well, as I live near Paris (a little bit too far from Italy ), I will try to buy the game through Internet (I did not find it in a shop yet).
                    "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


                    • #11

                      this are the instructions.....but i can't make em work..maybe you guys can..i prefer to play w/o the cd of course
                      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!

