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GRAPHICS: New American, European and Middle Eastern Cities

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  • #16
    rofl, sorry, I had no idea, I will upload the zip version
    be free


    • #17
      here you go, I zipped up the americans; and they didn't like it
      Attached Files
      be free


      • #18
        I suggest to increase size of all size 2 cities. There is too long jump from size 2 to size 3. And it is good to plant trees among houses. Why are they planted among roman cities with size 1 and 2 only and the others civ's size 1 and 2 cities have no trees?


        • #19
          Sorry. There are trees now. I have had the old version.


          • #20
            Sorry. Only the asian size 1 and 2 cities have no trees.


            • #21

              Great stuff as usual
              What the hell is Seat Management?


              • #22
                ok PinkFriend, I'll get back to it soon.

                I didn't bother to make the size 2 cities slightly bigger because it's quite a lot of work.
                be free


                • #23
                  Do I have to download each individual Civ, or does the most recent one include all of them? Also, (as you may probably have surmised, I'm not too experienced with installing mods) which directory do I unzip the files into and what needs to be backed up if I want revert back to the original (perish the thought!)?
                  "War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
                  -Bertrand Russell


                  • #24
                    no you don't need to download for each civ

                    just download the cities you want and unzip them into your /Art/Cities/ directory found under Civilization 3's directory.

                    If you want to back them up, just make a copy of the Cities directory and paste it somewhere to keep.
                    be free


                    • #25
                      great work SnOOpy!!!
                      please don't quit!!!!
                      love your work, hope we see more of it in the future:-)
                      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                      • #26
                        Sn00py, another fine piece of work, as usual.

                        A question: are you going to make new art for the walled cities? I noticed that the walled cities were in a seperate file in the game, and you did not make new graphics for them.


                        • #27
                          I did think about the walled cities, all I'd be doing tho is adding tree's, so I didn't really bother, sorry.

                          one day in the future when I have nothing to do and civ3 is patched up really good to be worth working hard on, then I might go back and start a new mod.
                          be free


                          • #28
                            I've posted a thread with all files in one zip.

                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • #29
                              HOW DO YOU DOWNLOAD THESE INTO ONE?????

                              Hello, I saw your cities and love them. But there is one problem. I have Windows 98 and I would really appreciated it if you could tell me how to download all your cities into Civilization III. Can they be put into one place because I want them all in one game where if I start as the Germans, I see European Cities. Then I come in contact with America and see American Cities and so forth. Can it be done??????? THANKS A MILLION


                              • #30

                                Look at the post just before yours by Gramphos, click on the link. It will give you all the cities in one zip file. Just dowload and unzip per Gramphos/Snoopy's instructions. I have Win 98 as well and it works just fine

                                What the hell is Seat Management?

