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GRAPHIC: New Asian Cities

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  • GRAPHIC: New Asian Cities

    Ok two files, well I decided to finish off the last file (asian cities), but I was wrong when I thought I had finished all the cities, the rest of the styles don't have the factories yet (the hardest one to edit!). So I thought, stuff it, I will just upload the finished ones. confusing?

    Now, just one word of warning, some of the cities will have overlaps, in other words... some of the tips of the buildings will appear on the bottom of others, and vice versa, but! you can't even see it unless you REALLY look, and besides... the irrigation covers the bottom half of the cities so you'll never really see anything wrong with them.

    But in other words, if you don't like it, then you are too picky and I don't care, I am happy with it and I didn't make it for picky people. So if you complain, then all my replies to you would be this " " and only that.

    And if MarkG or DanQ complains about me posting files in here again and not in the file section, well I still can't post anything in the files section. (I had problems with MarkG before about this, and I had thought only he could move the files to the file section until he complained I that I was supposed to post files in the file section). sigh
    be free

  • #2
    Asian Women are beautiful.
    Attached Files
    be free


    • #3
      removed european from here.
      Last edited by FrostyBoy; April 22, 2002, 02:48.
      be free


      • #4
        add more upload things for each post pls
        Last edited by FrostyBoy; April 22, 2002, 02:47.
        be free


        • #5
          my brother made me add marijuana as a resource, who wants the picture?
          Attached Files
          be free


          • #6
            ugh, euro metro look dull, maybe I should fix that..

            see all the little ppl? just like ants..

            ok this post was really just to tell you to unzip them in the Cities directory under /art/

            sorry, I almost forgot to tell ppl that.
            be free


            • #7
              Looks Good Snoopster!
              Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
              Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
              I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


              • #8
                Hey Sn00py,

                Has anyone told you that you are good at what you do?

                Good work
                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                • #9
                  The Links do not work... I cannot download them!


                  • #10
                    Nicely done, SnOOpy. I always thought that different cultures should have a different 'look' to them. Have you thought about doing an Aztec city?
                    Up the Irons!
                    Rogue CivIII FAQ!
                    Odysseus and the March of Time
                    I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sn00py
                      my brother made me add marijuana as a resource, who wants the picture?
                      I would like it. Were can I get it?


                      • #12
                        my brother made me add marijuana as a resource, who wants the picture?
                        What are it's effects...every unhappy citizen turns stoned?

                        Civ definition for a 'stoned' citizen: does not contribute to the city the least bit but is always feeling really good.
                        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.

