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  • Intelligence

    Hello Everybody !

    I have played some games and always found I lacked information about other civs. I found embassies were more powerful in CTP2 or even Civ2. For example I could know how advanced a civ was. I must now contact the AI to get this information. Is it possible to do it another way ?

    More generally I would like to know what kind of information I could get from a civ and how (need of embassy or Intelligence Agency, which advisor has the information...).

    "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)

  • #2
    You can no longer find out the other Civ's advances. IIRC, the only things you get with the Embassy is the Civ's stance with other nations, and the ability to see into their capital the moment you establish the embassy.

    With a spy successfully planted, you can do a coupla other things too, like steal their military plans (reveals all of their units for one turn), and some other stuff (that I have never used due to never getting that for into the game), all of which costs a lot of gold.

    Mostly spies don't seem to be worth it.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

