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PROBLEM with FLIC editor, error "9" (subscript out of range)

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  • PROBLEM with FLIC editor, error "9" (subscript out of range)

    When I ran FLICster with my new unit I got this error:


    Run-time error '9'.

    Subscript out of range


    What does it really mean?
    I created an Alpha pal file and a default one. I messed around with the shadows in the alpha one, and had some problems...
    But in the end it seemed like it all turned out right.
    When I ran FLICster and clicked on either the palette view or the view animation button I got that error.
    I checked my unit's palette, and everything looks OK.
    (I guess there isn't a problem having the completely white or the completely dark color on your palette?. I have several 000 colors on my palette, but I guess that isn't the problem)

    If you don't know what I've done.
    What do you recomend me to do?
    What might have gone wrong?
    I don't have any INI file. Do I need one just to make the unit a FLC file..?. I've never need one before.
    My units:

    Star Wars Hoth Laser Turret

  • #2
    Ok. I just found the problem.
    My pcx file had the name Turret_Default when it really only should have the name Turret to get the PCX files to work...

    My units:

    Star Wars Hoth Laser Turret

