I'm currently working on a mod to enhance and emphasize culture as the dominant force in the game.
Rationale: As a war game, Civ is pretty awful. If I wanted a war game, I'd play TOAW... Additionaly, it's far too easy to conquer the world in Civ.
My goal is a game in which war is a neccesary element but not the driving purpose. To do that I need to discourage war so that neither players nor the AI will go to war without just cause, nor stay at war beyond the length of time neccesary to acheive limited strategic aims.
Here are some of the things I'm trying or considering:
Making offensive units take a population point to build - This one makes sense from a realism perspective, since units in the field are composed of people removed from the general population. This will make it more difficult for players and the AI to field large standing armies of offensive units. Since one of the factors the AI considers (I think) when deciding to go to war is relative military strength of the opponent, this might tone down AI agression. Likewise it will hamper swarming tactics. As a side benefit, it will slow down civ growth rates thus bringing the tech progression more into line. It may also lead to faster game play since there will be fewer units to move each turn.
Increasing defense strengths across the board - This will make world conquest trickier, but won't do much to tone down AI agression.
Increasing unit build costs - Will have some of the same effects as the first option.
Increasing the number of buildings that can be built - This may cause the AI to build fewer military units, particularly in "dead spans" where all available (desired) buildings have been built and the next tech allowing city imp's is far off.
Adding more culture enhancing buildings or culture points to existing buildings - Warmonger civ's may find themselves rapidly absorbed.
Increasing the build cost/upkeep of barracks - Make it more difficult to build veteran units (probably eliminate/change Sun Tsu at the same time).
Question: Can the victory conditions be changed (the amount of culture needed to win the game)? Does it scale with world size?
Rationale: As a war game, Civ is pretty awful. If I wanted a war game, I'd play TOAW... Additionaly, it's far too easy to conquer the world in Civ.
My goal is a game in which war is a neccesary element but not the driving purpose. To do that I need to discourage war so that neither players nor the AI will go to war without just cause, nor stay at war beyond the length of time neccesary to acheive limited strategic aims.
Here are some of the things I'm trying or considering:
Making offensive units take a population point to build - This one makes sense from a realism perspective, since units in the field are composed of people removed from the general population. This will make it more difficult for players and the AI to field large standing armies of offensive units. Since one of the factors the AI considers (I think) when deciding to go to war is relative military strength of the opponent, this might tone down AI agression. Likewise it will hamper swarming tactics. As a side benefit, it will slow down civ growth rates thus bringing the tech progression more into line. It may also lead to faster game play since there will be fewer units to move each turn.
Increasing defense strengths across the board - This will make world conquest trickier, but won't do much to tone down AI agression.
Increasing unit build costs - Will have some of the same effects as the first option.
Increasing the number of buildings that can be built - This may cause the AI to build fewer military units, particularly in "dead spans" where all available (desired) buildings have been built and the next tech allowing city imp's is far off.
Adding more culture enhancing buildings or culture points to existing buildings - Warmonger civ's may find themselves rapidly absorbed.
Increasing the build cost/upkeep of barracks - Make it more difficult to build veteran units (probably eliminate/change Sun Tsu at the same time).
Question: Can the victory conditions be changed (the amount of culture needed to win the game)? Does it scale with world size?