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I Want My Scenario Editor!!!! Wahhh!!!

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  • I Want My Scenario Editor!!!! Wahhh!!!

    I hate this. HATEHATEHATEHATE. I've got these great ideas for a Red Alert scenario and a Star Wars scenario, I've figured out just how to make it really good, but I can't make them. I'm not blaming Firaxis, just ranting.

  • #2
    Absolutely - I'm also dying to make about a dozen scenarios. Let's chant and hope that the mighty Firaxis gods will grant our wish soon....
    Let your mind preach for your heart to follow, and let your soul gaze upon the heavens without fear. You exist, but you do not yet live. Give birth to your god, and give birth to your Self.


    • #3
      Don't worry. Effin Firaxis will no doubt soon have some lame-ass scenarios on a CD - for $29.95 each.

      I NEVER would have bought Civ III if I knew it had no scenario-builder. A total ripoff.


      • #4
        I've been grinding my teeth.

        Five dollars that if Firaxis doesn't release an event system with the XP, their building will burn to the ground.

