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  • graphics

    Hi there i know this might sound stupit but how do you put the graphics from this site into the civ3 game?

    thanks for the help

  • #2
    Everything is in the Art folder in your game directory, just have a look around and find the files you would like to replace. There's various folders for different aspects of the game's graphics, and since I don't know which ones you want to add, I can't be more specific. I suspect you'll be looking in the Terrain folder though.

    PS I'm presuming you know you have to unzip the files you're downloading first.


    • #3
      yes i know to unzip the folders thanks i whant to put new units into the game and stuff like that thanks for the help


      • #4
        The easiest way to add new units is to copy an existing one using the Civ3MultiTool, then adding the graphics you want to the folder later. Then you'll just have to make a few changes to the .ini file that will be in there. Doing it that way will save you bit of work.

        PS Also, if you use MultiTool to add improvements, you'll be sure to get an icon in your build/city list, even though it will look exactly like the improvement you copied. Otherwise, you'd have to do some editing to one of the art files, I'm not even sure which one.


        • #5
          thanks for the help but i still can't get them to work where is the Civ3MultiTool anyway ?

          p.s i am sorry that i am putting you throu all this trouble


          • #6
            It's in the Files area somewhere, it has quite a long thread of it's own. Make sure that you get the latest version, Gramphos has made quite a few revisions the past few months.

