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Would this be a good modern wonder???

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  • Would this be a good modern wonder???

    The Getty Center
    Richard Meier, architect

    I think it's up there with the Sistene Chapel...

    It could add both happiness and science...
    "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon

  • #2
    I think for something to be classified as a wonder, it should be well known by many people. Personally, I have never heard of this place and wouldn't put it as a wonder...


    • #3
      Check the facts:
      over $5 billion price tag
      something like 300 square miles of glass

      this thing is a freakin' huge architectural monument- maybe it's not really well known yet, but it IS an idea for a new modern wonder.

      If someone's looking for more wonder ideas that is...

      Ok, some more interresting facts...
      Ok, so this guy Getty dies and leaves several (several) million
      dollars to make this museum... But there's a catch.
      They can ONLY spend the interest on the lump sum...
      They CANNOT use the interest to upkeep the museum- only
      to purchase new art.
      so what they do is pay your entry fee for you...
      They have so much art that even if they changed the entire display weekly, they couldn't show it all in a year...
      Last edited by cassembler; April 1, 2002, 18:18.
      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


      • #4
        This doesn't strike me as anything spectacular. How about the WTC in New York, the Patronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Akashi Kaikyo in Tokyo, or the Three Gorges Dam in China? Those are things that you can get an idea of the size from looking at a picture. The pictures on that site (I also traced the link back and looked at other photos) just aren't very impressive. Maybe if it were compared side by side with other buildings in scale to compare the size of the place--but that would make a crappy wonder splash.


        • #5
          Ok you guys are obviously not impressed...

          Got any links to the structures you spoke of, Mizaq?

          Just tryin to throw out ideas... sniff... sniff..

          No, that's cool...
          I'd just like to see some new modern stuff...
          "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


          • #6
            The Petronas Towers:

            The Akashi Kaikyo bridge:


            • #7
              I was also thinking there could be a wonder based on municipal planning, something like that giant model that Shanghai has of upcoming improvements. It could increase commerce in every square or something. Check out this site for more information. Be sure to watch that short movie that pans the room. That model is huge.

              check out this website for WTC pictures.

              check out this news story for some info on the Three Gorges Dam or check out the Chinese Embassy.

              This was the only depiction I could find of the Three Gorges (it is still under construction):
              Last edited by Mizaq; March 25, 2002, 16:36.


              • #8
                Well those are cool... I guess this thread is now dedicated to modern wonder ideas...
                Perhaps if everoybody adds their $.02, then those that make future mods can come here for a source of inspiration...

                Keep 'em commin'
                "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


                • #9
                  How about a Fusion Plant that gives a nuclear power plant in every city. (Does that mean every city has a chance to explode?)


                  • #10
                    That'd be awesome, in a masochist sort of way. Just imagine, you're in the middle of a nice peaceful war with France, then BOOM every single city has a nuclear meltdown. Then you run to your mommy crying for a banana.


                    • #11
                      Ok, a list of potential new modern/ older wonders:
                      (some more worthy than others)

                      *The Getty Center
                      *The Petronas Towers
                      *The Akashi Kaikyo bridge
                      *the Three Gorges Dam
                      *The Empire State Building/ Sears Tower
                      *The Bauhaus
                      *The Pantheon (an ancient wonder)
                      *The Parthenon (ancient)
                      *The Sydney Opera House
                      *The Transcontinental Railroad

                      just to name a few that I think might be helpful to those looking for some new wonder ideas...
                      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


                      • #12
                        The Getty probably should qualify as a wonder, but not so much the building as the foundation. The original museum (now sadly closed) was located in Malibu. It was built as an exact replica of a Roman villa unearthed at Pompeii. In fact, in order to make is as precise as possible, one garden alcove that should have contained a statue was empty... because the statue that should have been there was lost or destroyed and rather than "make on up" they left it empty.

                        The museum was free of charge (sort of... see below) and the art exhibits changed often. In fact, one of the reasons the foundation built the new museum is because they had so much art they couldn't have displayed it all if they rotated exhibits daily... And here's the cool part:

                        When J. P. Getty died he left a huge chunk of money to this foundation to buy and display art. The catch was this... A) they couldn't touch the principal, only the interest. B) They had to spend all of the interest every year or lose it. C) They couldn't spend it on upkeep for the museum.

                        The interest is SO much that they really struggle to spend it all each year. They buy just about ever piece of art that goes up for auction and have warehouses full of it. In order to get around provision C, they charge admission to the museum... and then they pay it for you

                        Anyway... it's an amazing place to visit.


                        • #13
                          My ideas/favorites:
                          -Sears Tower
                          -Petronas Towers
                          -Hollywood/National TV Network/Public Broadcasting
                          -Three Gorges Dam
                          -National Park Service
                          -The Internet
                          -The Getty Center (However, ixnay is right: I've never heard of it before)

                          If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


                          • #14
                            I'm working on the first draft of my cultural mod. Included are the following wonders:
                            Crusades - double happiness of all shrines (both Crusades and Shrines require the civ to be in a Theocracy govt', shrines are built in any city w/ a barracks and give 1 culture and 1 happy face).
                            EPA - double happiness effect of hydro plants (long story, but I'm tweaking the way the game handles pollution)
                            Statue of Liberty - free harbor in every city (yes, EVERY city... for some reason even though harbors are check marked for coastal installations, every city gets one)
                            Temperance - same as longevity, but earlier
                            The Internet - small wonder, just like Forbidden Palace

                            Some others I'm considering:
                            Pony Express
                            Magna Carta
                            Washington Monument
                            Easter Island
                            Spirit of St Louis
                            The Rose Bowl
                            Menlo Park
                            The Bolshoi


                            • #15
                              Here's an idea. It would actually work better as an improvement. Gulag. Increases production by 100%, but makes three unhappy citizens.

