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When Will It Be Fixed!!!???

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  • When Will It Be Fixed!!!???

    I cannot play Civ 3 now it crashes after 10 -25 turns everytime now witha general protection fault. I quit playing this Civ3 back in January as I couldn't continue with asaved game becaue of a bug. The bug was the last settler of a beaten nation on a landing craft. If you destroy the craft with the settler on it the game crashes. I contacted tech support online and got this answer:
    This is a known issue. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until the craft lands, deploys the settler inside and then destroy it. At that time you can then go after the settlers.
    This issue will be submitted up to the proper departments to let them know that this is still an issue.
    If you require any further assistance, include all previous E-mails in your response.
    James L
    North America Technical Support Rep

    Prior to 1.17f I contacted, I think his name was Mike B, and told him of the problem and he was at that time fixing a similar crash problem with someone else. The problem WAS NOT fixed in 1.17f and now I started playing again I notice the game is MORE MESSED UP! I see on the website that on March 19 they're talking about the new patch on the way with all the goodies. Where can I find some info about real solutions to an obviously buggy game!

    I want to know if my problem is going to be fixed in this long waited patch or not. I'm tired of waiting for someone at infogames or whoever to take some responsibility for this and either examine my saved game and fix it or give me a direct solution.


  • #2
    The bug were fixed about one day before 1.17f should be released, and then it had already been tested, so of cource it couldn't make to that version.

    They thought that they had fixed the bug by fixing a ralated one that corrupted the saves, but didn't crash the game, when the last settler was killed on a ship.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      That's true it was found to late for Mike B to have it added to the 11.7f patch although it's me and another guy that had the problem. Who knows how many other silent parties have the problem. It would have been found faster if they had asked in the first place for a saved game file instead of thinking they knew it all. I asked if I could send it earlier to this James L guy but he acted as if he could do nothing except give general answers and forward the problems to another office.

      Anyway I don't know what's going on now but I have 1.17f and started playing and can't even get 20 turns into the game without getting a general protection fault. I don't cruise this board to often Gramphos but I see you have posted lots is there some more issues with 1.17f? I can't get 30 turns in without it crashing now. This never happened at all before. Saving the game and coming back in doesn't help either.



      • #4
        Do you use custom rules? Marla's Map?
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5

          To tell you the truth Gramphos I may have exagerated as I thought later it might have been the new map. I was playing the new world map that was available for download, Marla Singer...I think? Is this not playable it keeps crashing with the general protection fault. I guess I was only playing that map now I think of it and the map does have the rules changed, is there a bug in it?

          If so could you tell me if the other map is also buggy I'd like to play one or the other? You know it's ironic that I was very hestitant to download and try and mods and then when I see two maps on the OFFICIAL SITE they are buggy. Or i'm assuming your next response will tell me they are or something to that effect.



          • #6
            Marla's Map has modified rules, and includes a new early sea unit for three (I think) of the civs. The version on does not include the setup program the map originally comes with. So the files needed for that unit will be missing.

            To get the right map check either the files forum or Civfanatics' (if you have problem with Aployton downloads that is)
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              Well don't the guys at the official site know what they're doing the file is still there and it doesn't include a readme saying extra files are needed for the map to be stable? Pretty sad if they have to use a 3rd party mod and then they can't even post it right.

              Thanks for your help Gramphos I'd like to play that maps o I'll look for the proper download for it.


