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Diplomacy question

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  • Diplomacy question

    The thing i don't like in civ3 is that even if you have an embassy
    you don't know when the other civ have found a science discovery
    and when they have change government.

    Is there a way to know what kind of government
    the other civs have ? and what kind of science research they
    are currently doing ?
    E pericoloso sporgersi

  • #2
    Government type is displayed by the Military Advisor. In the right side window it has *So and so, Repubilc/Monarchy/etc.*. You can click on the title bar to cycle through the various civs you have contacted to see the various governments in play.

    You cannot find out what they are researching directly. You can guess sometimes though. In diplomacy, ask them what they will offer for 1 of your techs. If they say *1 gold* they are likely near discovering that tech on their own. Unfortunately this will only help when you have a lead.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #3
      E pericoloso sporgersi

