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shadow on the map

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  • shadow on the map

    Hi guys!!! I'm new to this forum (to any forum) for that matter. I'm new to Civ 3 to which I started a game to get the feeling, but I played civ1 and civ2 for years. I was browsing the entire forum to find a question to my question. How the heck is possible to turn off the shadow of the map and to have the same as in Civ 2, that once you discovered a new tile of the map it stays that way, not darkening after you leave it????
    Somebody cares to answer???

  • #2
    There is no way to turn off the fog of war. But practically it works the same way as in civ2, but you know which tiles you can't see, so I don't understand why you would want to turn it off...
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      the fog of war???

      I just want to have a map where all the already discovered parts are "unshadowed". I just like it that way! I'm sorry that this is not possible!!!
      Tack för svaret i alla fall!


      • #4
        Well, as far as I know there is no way, but it might be possible by editing of FogOfWar.pcx (All grey to magenta)

        But as I don't play mush with the graphics I don't know how the game would respond to it...

        Any art editor out there whou knows the answer?

        Och, eftersom du är svensk, gå och rösta på Sverige...
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          Here you go, it worked. Back up your Art\Terrain\FogOfWar.pcx, and replace it with the one in the zip.

          (you need to rename the file from attachement to to be able to open it)
          Attached Files
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! och Tack!!!!!!

            Hej Gr,
            (I write in english to be polite to the others members.... )
            I thank you very much for the help.... Now I'm a little busy so I will not have the chance to try your solution but I will...promise. I'm sure it will work.
            Ovidiu (ICQ 75514830)
            PS Även om jag bor nu i Tyskland, röstade på Sverige iallafall, hehehehe. DS


            • #7
              Huasdj ljfsa dsfañd oditupise ilurtfu!
              I also speak sverige!
              Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
              religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


              • #8
                WORKED OUT

                Thanx GR!!! It worked great as I tried it yesterday. Now remains to getz used to the messages over the cities, that are too small and too fast. What the heck is AI and ICMB anyway?????


                • #9
                  AI = Artificial Intelligence or computer player.

                  IBCM... ICBM? = Inter-continental ballistic missile.


                  • #10
                    Not having the "fog" would make it easier to see resources not within your border. Especially coal and rubber.

