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GRAPHICS: Helpful Build List

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  • GRAPHICS: Helpful Build List

    Revision: 2002-03-14
    Version of Civ 3: 1.17f

    The pack intends to change two graphics files used in the Build List as well as in the Built List of the City View. It is updated for version 1.17f.

    The files that need to be replaced are the two:
    1. \Art\City Screen\buildings-small.pcx (Buildings and Wonders)
    2. \Art\Units\units_32.pcx (Units)

    So these are the files you should backup. However, I also include the original files, just in case you need them or want to uninstall.

    For Buildings I included the following info given by each Building or Wonder:
    1. Culture Points generated (original ones, before the Millennium doubling)
    Color used: Blue
    2. Maintenance cost
    Color used: Golden
    3. Pollution Points generated
    Color used: Red
    4. Happy Faces generated (just for that city)
    Color used: Green

    For Units I included the following info:
    1. Number of possible upgrades
    Color used: Green
    2. Number of "carryable" units
    Color used: Blue

    I used colors to distinguish between types of information given by the numbers.

    I have attached three images so that you can see units, buildings and wonders.

    I also included an Excel XP spreadsheet containing the most important information regarding buildings and Units, taken from the “civ3mod.bic” file, which I used in doing this. You can check or update the data (for newer versions) by yourself.

    The Pollution Points affect how pollution appears in a *city*. The formula for that is this:
    Percent chance of pollution per turn = Pollution Points + 1 per citizen above 12
    I took this from the “Civilization III Official Strategy Guide”.

    However, I suspect that this percentage chance is also affected by the global warming effect, but I haven’t had the chance to confirm that yet.

    You can find complete instruction on how to install in the readme file included on the pack.

    This Graphics’ Pack is heavily based on the works done by Il Mafioso with the "Civ 3 Usability Pack" and Nemo with "Nemo's Graphic Build Queue". I just tried to improve on their efforts and make things a bit tidier.

    So, *most* of the credits should go to them, for having the splendid idea of doing these two original graphics packs and sharing their efforts with the world, which I've been using.

    You can find their original work in these threads:
    Il Mafioso ("Civ 3 Usability Pack"):
    Try this modpack! I guarantee you you (money back on a free modpack... hummmm) you will find Civ so much more enjoyable. This doesn't alter rules or anything like that... all the great things described below are achieved thru modifications of 2 graphic files.... Here's an excerpt from the...

    Nemo ("Nemo's Graphic Build Queue"):

    I hope to make your Civ 3 experience even better!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Sample 1: Buildings


    Is there a way to put three images in just one post?
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Sample 2: Units

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Sample 3: Wonders

        Attached Files


        • #5
          pretty nice
          Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
          religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


          • #6
            Great Work, This will a lot of time looking up the info.
            Thanks for the hard work.

            Suggestion for the next update:
            People who are color blind may have a problem. If you put the info in the 4 corners (as well as color coded), it could help them too.

            I.E. :
            1. Culture Points generated (original ones, before the Millennium doubling)
            Color used: Blue
            Location: Upper Left
            2. Maintenance cost
            Color used: Golden
            Location: Upper Right
            3. Pollution Points generated
            Color used: Red
            Location: Lower Left
            4. Happy Faces generated (just for that city)
            Color used: Green
            Location: Lower Right


            • #7

              Originally posted by salkin
              Great Work, This will a lot of time looking up the info.
              Thanks for the hard work.

              Suggestion for the next update:
              People who are color blind may have a problem. If you put the info in the 4 corners (as well as color coded), it could help them too.
              Godinex and Salkin, thanks for the praise.

              Salkin, about your suggestion. I think it is a very good one.
              However, I thought about putting things in specific places of the icon. The problem is that there are very different icons. Some of them occupy the lower corners (right or left) which means it would be tough to put them in those corners.

              However, those icons might not need those colors either, and the ones who need might have that space empty. So I will have to do a thorough check of each icons and each colors are possible.

              [EDITED because of Elucidus suggestion]
              In that case, I will try to let them like this:
              Upper right: maintenance
              Upper Left: Culture:
              Lower Right: Pollution
              Lower Left: Happiness

              Tell me what you think about this.
              I can’t promise you anything right now, but I will investigate about this being possible.

              Thanks for the advice. It’s always nice to have someone helping us make our work even better. In the end, we all (civ fan lovers) benefit from that.

              I’ll be posting here as soon as I make these changes.
              See you then.
              Last edited by Silvagem; March 21, 2002, 08:06.


              • #8
                If you can do it, why not make it so that maint and pollution (both bad things) are on the right, and the other two (good things) are on the left. Just a thought.
                Yours in gaming,


                • #9
                  Good Point

                  Originally posted by Elucidus
                  If you can do it, why not make it so that maint and pollution (both bad things) are on the right, and the other two (good things) are on the left. Just a thought.
                  Yes. You've got a point there!

                  I'll try that. Please see my edited message above.

                  Thanks for the advice!
                  Last edited by Silvagem; March 21, 2002, 08:09.


                  • #10
                    Bad news

                    I finally found the time to do what you all suggested. Unfortunately, I’m afraid it is a bit confusing, because the numbers in the upper corners of an icon might be mistaken with the numbers in the lower corners of the above icon.

                    Besides that, Civ3 seems to be cutting the last line of the Wonders icon, which renders the happiness numbers very useless and confusing (they should be in the bottom): ex. Hanging Gardens.

                    If you want I can send it to you, otherwise I won't fill the forum with the file. Sorry.
                    Last edited by Silvagem; April 2, 2002, 20:39.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bad news

                      Originally posted by Silvagem
                      Besides that, Civ3 seems to be cutting the last line of the Wonders icon, which renders the happiness numbers very useless and confusing (they should be in the bottom): ex. Hanging Gardens.
                      It's due to an offset error in the rile (one row is 33 pixels high instead of 32 I think it's wealth)
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: Bad news

                        Originally posted by Gramphos

                        It's due to an offset error in the rile (one row is 33 pixels high instead of 32 I think it's wealth)
                        Thanks for the note Gramphos.

                        I thought it should be something like that, but I didn't know what.
                        Now I do!


                        • #13
                          I am waiting with anticipation for your update. Keep up the good work.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kring
                            I am waiting with anticipation for your update. Keep up the good work.
                            My fellow Civ Fan Kring,

                            First of all, thank you for you compliment. It’s always nice to hear them.

                            However, my life has been very tough lately..
                            I haven’t been able to even play civ, much less come here. I only came here yesterday to answer and thank Gramphos. I cannot forget to express my gratitude to the ones who ever help me.

                            However, I’m afraid I won’t be able to update my work now.

                            But I knew, in anticipation, from the beginning, that would happen, and it was why I put in the “package” all the numbers I used, and the Excel spreadsheet, so that anybody could do that work for all of us here (not just me), in case I couldn’t.
                            And I can’t... I’m sorry.

                            So, if you can, please do that, and take the credits for that for yourself.
                            I only did this to make my Civ experience a little better, and then I decided to give my work *freely*. It had already been done, so...

                            Now, feel free to continue it. In fact, it was exactly what I did. I continued another civfan’s work.. That’s team work! :-) And that’s how life works too... Someone always continues another’s work, isn’t it?

                            Long Live Civilization!

