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Three questions.

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  • Three questions.

    Hi. I'm something of a Civ 3 newb (I'm working on Warlord difficulty, but this certainly is not the first time I've tried) and I have a few questions that have been bugging me. Two are a matter of fact, and the other is something that I think to be a matter of opinion. Ok, here they are.

    1. Great Wonders- Obsoleteness
    a. Ok, so in the Civilpedia, it tells what tech makes a given wonder obsolete. So let's say we have here Wonder A being built by Civilization B, which is made obsolete by Tech C. How does the game decide when A becomes obsolete? Is it just when any civilization researches C? Or is it only when B researches C? Or does it simply require a certain number of civilization to have researched C, at which point A becomes obsolete?
    b. What exactly does an obsolete wonder do? I already know that it loses its main benefit, but does it stop generating culture too?

    2. Histograph- Relevancy
    Ok, so I've seen the histograph, and I was just wondering if, in the opinion of some Civ 3 vets, it is an accurate reflection of how your society is doing? Or should I just ignore it?

    3. Great Wonders- Finding out who has what?
    I've seen screenshots of the Wonder status screen, and once, my cat danced around on the keyboard and somehow managed to open it. What key do I push to open the screen on which civilizations are constructing what Wonders?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help.
    "There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquistive idiots."

  • #2

    1)a) The wonder becomes obsolete as soon as [b]any[/] civ discovers the tech.

    b) obsolete wonders still generate culture and keep their already accumulated culture.

    2) I'm no "vet", but I think the score and culture histographs are accurate. I'm not so sure about the power graph. Power has a very subjective meaning.

    3) Got me here. It's one of the F-keys but I don't know right now which one (F7?). I'd suggest trying them all as there are other screens "hidden" as well (e.g. F11: Top Five Cities and Ranking).
    Clever cat btw.


    • #3
      I actually have to disagree on when a wonder becomes obsolete. In my games, especially with the Great Library, I have found that it only becomes obsolete when I discover Education. Sometimes I avoid that route altogether and focus on the other tech path so that I do not make it obsolete. Although, eventually, you actually get Education through the Great Library and then make it obsolete anyway (vicious cycle).

      So, to answer your questions:
      1) A wonder becomes obsolete when you discover the Tech that makes it obsolete. And yes, it does continue to generate Culture Points.

      2) I agree that the histographs are pretty good, and also agree that Power is a relative term

      3) F7 is the key for the wonder screen


      • #4

        I have to admit I never paid that much attention to when wonders become obsolete. I just assumed it is logical (and it was like this in civ2, wasn't it?) and as most of the time I am the tech leader, I didn't see I was wrong.

        Sorry for that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nimokmai
          In my games, especially with the Great Library, I have found that it only becomes obsolete when I discover Education. Sometimes I avoid that route altogether and focus on the other tech path so that I do not make it obsolete. Although, eventually, you actually get Education through the Great Library and then make it obsolete anyway (vicious cycle).
          What happened in my last game was the only advance I got from the GL was Education. Bummer!

