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Help Please: What do these buttons do?

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  • Help Please: What do these buttons do?

    I've checked these threads but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

    Any help on what these buttons do, or how to use them, would be great! any help on what some of these things mean would be great too. Thanks in advance!

    1. In the Improvements/Wonders Editor, what does button "Replaces All Impr. with this flag checked" mean? How do I use it?

    2. If I have an improvement that makes 2 people happy AND 2 people unhappy, does that just cancel out - or does it polarize the population?
    (e.g. i'm trying to make some controversial improvements that would make some happy and some unhappy -> my Palace Court is one example, it makes 5 happy "aristocrats" in city, 1 unhappy everywhere else, so is that like only 4 happy in the city?)

    3. Increases Luxury Trade does what? (not the +50% flag, the other one.)

    4. What does "allows air trade" do?

    5. What are reasonable values to use for bombard strength, defense strength? (Looking to make a "Castle" improvement that only Feudal Govt can make)

    6. If we make multiple improvements that give the 50% bonus to tax, is that cumulative (so 150%+50% is 200%, or is it 150%*150% = 225%?)

    7. Same as question 6, except for production. Does the NPP's 4 production add to a Factory's 2 prod to give 6 prod? Or is it 100% on 150%, to give 300%?)

    8. What does Continental Mood Effect mean?

    9. do multiple bldgs with "reduce corruption/war weariness" add up to reduce the amounts even further, or is there a cap?

    10. In the GOVERNMENT screen, what does "Rate Cap" mean? (it's right beside the Worker Rate field)

    11. In the GENERAL SETTINGS screen, what does Lvl. Multiplier do? And what does Border Factor do?

    12. Is there any way to change the amount of culture needed to win? (I am adding culture bldgs like museum, gallery, concert hall, so I don't want to make it too easy to win culturally.)

    13. Is there any way to make a citizen into a "shield producer" instead of a taxman, scientist, or entertainer? If so, can we make it government specific too?

    14. How do we change the icon for the bldgs? There is no option field like there is for units.

    15. Is there any way to make a "land transport"? (not an army). My plan is to disable RR's, and then make a "train" that will carry land units and travel at 7MP, along roads that's 21x. Is this possible?

    Note: the mod I'm trying to make doesn't have much changes to units. mostly improvements and governments. i guess I'll need to figure out techs later but I'm not worrying about those now.

    thank again! I know I asked a lot!
    Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
    Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
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    Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

  • #2
    1. those flags are for power plants. build a newer one and it replaces the old.

    4. I'm pretty sure this allows you to airlift units, but at the very least it allows you to conduct trade between cities with airports.

    11. use the editor's help function. the multiplier is the amount it multiplies by to increase your cities influence, 10 the first time then 100 then 1000 then 10000 then 20000

    13. no

    14. use the buildings-small.pcx and buildings-large.pcx files found somewhere in the art directory (I forget offhand).

    15. dunno, let us know how that turns out.


    • #3
      The ability to do number 13 would be worth celebrating.


      • #4
        thanks Mizaq.

        about #1, when you say it replaces the old with the new, do you mean that you can switch either way (let's say i build coal plant, then hydro, then nuclear. can i then build hydro and replace nuclear?)

        anyone else have any answers to any of the other things?
        #2, 3,5, 6,7,8,9,10, 12?

        much appreciated!

        One more question.

        #16. What does the "resistance modifier" in the Governments screen do?
        Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
        Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
        Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
        Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


        • #5
          Re: Help Please: What do these buttons do?

          Originally posted by Captain

          2. If I have an improvement that makes 2 people happy AND 2 people unhappy, does that just cancel out - or does it polarize the population?
          (e.g. i'm trying to make some controversial improvements that would make some happy and some unhappy -> my Palace Court is one example, it makes 5 happy "aristocrats" in city, 1 unhappy everywhere else, so is that like only 4 happy in the city?)
          I'm not entirely positive, but it looks like they would cancel each other out. I've been experimenting with unhappiness in buildings as well, but I haven't really looked to closely to see exactly how they work yet. One neat trick I came across, set a negative Luxury number for your Taxman. The citizens won't like him nearly as much as they do now.

          3. Increases Luxury Trade does what? (not the +50% flag, the other one.)
          This is what the Marketplace now does. Once you have 3 luxuries, the happy affect is doubled in your city, so two citizens are happy instead of one. This doubles again at some point, but I'm not sure when. I think maybe the sixth. I believe it's explained in the civilopedia, just look at Marketplace.

          5. What are reasonable values to use for bombard strength, defense strength? (Looking to make a "Castle" improvement that only Feudal Govt can make)
          I'd say that would be a matter of preference. Just fool around with them until you have something you feel comfortable with.

          6. If we make multiple improvements that give the 50% bonus to tax, is that cumulative (so 150%+50% is 200%, or is it 150%*150% = 225%?)
          Yes this is cumulative, as are most of those types of flags. I'm not really sure of the formula they're using, it could be calculated on the shield output before improvements, I can't be certain. Some aren't though, I can't really say which ones off hand. I do know the Build Larger Army isn't.

          8. What does Continental Mood Effect mean?
          I'm a little vague on that myself. It's only used by J.S. Bach's Cathedral, and what the editor help says is a bit unclear. I'm guessing you need to have that box checked in order for the above "Happy/Unhappy In All Cities" to work.

          9. do multiple bldgs with "reduce corruption/war weariness" add up to reduce the amounts even further, or is there a cap?
          The corruption buildings don't have a cap by the looks of it, at least none that I've reached yet. And I have quite a few of them! I haven't had much of a chance yet to try out the War Weariness, though I suspect that works the same way.

          10. In the GOVERNMENT screen, what does "Rate Cap" mean? (it's right beside the Worker Rate field)
          This puts a limit on how much of your economy gets applied to the various areas, meaning Science, Tax and Luxuries. It works by percentage so that setting it at 5 means that none of these areas can recieve more than 50% of the gold you're generating per term.

          12. Is there any way to change the amount of culture needed to win? (I am adding culture bldgs like museum, gallery, concert hall, so I don't want to make it too easy to win culturally.)
          Not in the editor. Possibly Gramphos has worked something out with MultiTool so you can edit that in a saved game, but I'm not sure if he has or not.


          • #6
            15. Is there any way to make a "land transport"? (not an army). My plan is to disable RR's, and then make a "train" that will carry land units and travel at 7MP, along roads that's 21x. Is this possible?
            You can't disable the railroad, that's all been hard-coded.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kilroy_Alpha
              The ability to do number 13 would be worth celebrating.
              I agree, that would be excellent!


              • #8
                12. Is there any way to change the amount of culture needed to win? (I am adding culture bldgs like museum, gallery, concert hall, so I don't want to make it too easy to win culturally.)
                If your concerned about it, just reduce some of the existing building's culture points everytime you add one of your own. That way you'd always end up with the same amount in the long run.


                • #9
                  Thanks Mizaq & Willem!

                  Thanks Mizaq and Willem!

                  You guys have been a great help! Now I understand how to mod those buildings better (my current list is about 60+ useful bldgs plus wonders). My list of acknowledgements will for sure have you two on it.

                  Just the one last question, what does the resistance modifier do in the governments screen?
                  Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                  Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                  Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                  Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                  • #10
                    1. In the Improvements/Wonders Editor, what does button "Replaces All Impr. with this flag checked" mean? How do I use it?
                    what this means is that when you build something with this checked it replaces any other buildings in your city with that flag checked, but it doesn't have to be powerplants, like if you marked a recycling center with that flag as well then if you built one of those it would replace your powerplant, or you could uncheck all powerplants and create a hospital (size 3 city), and HMO (size 3 city +50 tax output 2 unhappy people), and a free clinic (size 3 city, triple maintence, +2 happy people) then you would only be able to have one of those structures at a time and if you built a free clinic it would replace the HMO for example

                    2. If I have an improvement that makes 2 people happy AND 2 people unhappy, does that just cancel out - or does it polarize the population?
                    i think it will polarize the population, (ie if you had a size 5 city where everyone was content then you built this you would have 2 happy 1 content and 2 unhappy) but i will need to do some testing to make sure

                    3. Increases Luxury Trade does what? (not the +50% flag, the other one.)
                    it should work like a bank or a library does in that it increases the output of what you are spending on happiness (instead of taxes, and research in the examples above)

                    4. What does "allows air trade" do?
                    it connects your cities to the trade grid by air, so if you had a city in the middle of nowhere that didn't have access to the sea nor the road networks are now part of your trade grid, and it allows the airlift command

                    5. What are reasonable values to use for bombard strength, defense strength? (Looking to make a "Castle" improvement that only Feudal Govt can make)
                    here's a heads up, but any building with bombard defense disappears at either size 6 or size 7 i don't remember for sure, but i'm just warning you before hand

                    6. If we make multiple improvements that give the 50% bonus to tax, is that cumulative (so 150%+50% is 200%, or is it 150%*150% = 225%?)
                    it should be cumulative as in 150% not 225%

                    7. Same as question 6, except for production. Does the NPP's 4 production add to a Factory's 2 prod to give 6 prod? Or is it 100% on 150%, to give 300%?)
                    it should be 6 production aka 150%

                    8. What does Continental Mood Effect mean?
                    basically if you set a wonder to give you 1 happy face, and selected continental mood effect it would give you 1 happy face in all of your cities on the contient

                    9. do multiple bldgs with "reduce corruption/war weariness" add up to reduce the amounts even further, or is there a cap?
                    no limit as far as i can tell

                    10. In the GOVERNMENT screen, what does "Rate Cap" mean? (it's right beside the Worker Rate field)
                    determines the maximum percentage you can put into science and happiness spending

                    11. In the GENERAL SETTINGS screen, what does Lvl. Multiplier do? And what does Border Factor do?
                    determines how fast borders grow

                    12. Is there any way to change the amount of culture needed to win? (I am adding culture bldgs like museum, gallery, concert hall, so I don't want to make it too easy to win culturally.)
                    afaik there is not, but unless you get a single city cultural victory the amount of culture you need is based on your opponents

                    13. Is there any way to make a citizen into a "shield producer" instead of a taxman, scientist, or entertainer? If so, can we make it government specific too?
                    not anyway i have thought of yet

                    14. How do we change the icon for the bldgs? There is no option field like there is for units.
                    already answered

                    15. Is there any way to make a "land transport"? (not an army). My plan is to disable RR's, and then make a "train" that will carry land units and travel at 7MP, along roads that's 21x. Is this possible?
                    there is no way to do this so that the AI could handle it, and since there isn't a "move only on roads" command this would give you a super fast troop carrier...but it is a great idea!

                    #16. What does the "resistance modifier" in the Governments screen do?
                    this determines how likely you are to have resistors when you conquer a city
                    Last edited by korn469; March 6, 2002, 06:45.


                    • #11
                      resources crash?

                      thanks Korn,

                      about #5, if I build castle that improves bombard defense, and then city grows above 6, my castle disappears? That seems to be the same effect as walls.
                      But I remember someone mentioning giving walls culture value and that it lasted into the modern era, still giving culture. Is that possible or no?

                      btw, I just learned to back up my bic files. I just lost three days of modding because editor kept crashing! (after I added only 2 resources by Gramphos' CivMultiTool. no other changes.)
                      Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                      Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                      Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                      Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                      • #12

                        i'm not sure if culture will cure this i've never tried that, but i gave SAM sites bombard defense and it they would disappear the same times as walls

                        i hate to hear about your crash! that's horrible

