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Pirogue Problems...

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  • Pirogue Problems...

    I'm playing the new Marla's World Map (available for download from the Firaxis web site), as the Romans. The first naval unit available to me is the "Pirogue". However, everytime I select it to build it crashes the game. I am able to add it into my build queue, but once it comes up in build order any attempt to zoom in on that city will cause a crash, and the game will crash when the build order is completed.

    This is my first game as the Romans, so I'm not certain whether the Pirogue is unique to that civ, or unique to this map. A search against these forums yielded no hits on the word 'pirogue'.

    Anybody having similar problems, know of any workarounds, or have any suggestions?

  • #2
    Marla's maps have custom rules, and some files that normally follows the map were not with the map at You can find the map in the Files forum, where all files are included.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Gramphos, thank you for your prompt and helpful response. You might want to give Firaxis a heads-up on this--so that they can make the correct file available ASAP. (In my opinion they've already taken way too much flack for inconsequential details like this; an not received near enough credit for a job well done. Again, thank you.


      • #4
        Gramphos is good for that sort of thing. He's probably the most helpful person on this forum.


        • #5
          I think it is up to Marla or Vonotar to contact Firaxis about this.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Gramphos: I presumed, because of your position here at Apolyton, that you would have a more 'privileged' relationship/access with Firaxis. You know, 'inner circle' type stuff. Ah well.

            Curiously enough, my attempted to download the "self-extracting zip file" at both Apolyton and over at 'that other site' (using both Internet Exploder and Netscape) have failed to yield the multiple files that I was expecting. When the download did work (and usually it didn't, resulting only in a minimal ".php" file) there was just the .bic file in the zip.

            For the purposes of this game it is no longer a factor, as I simply did without the pirogue unit and moved quickly on to other naval units that do not appear to cause problems. (Although, recently the graphic for the settler unit has disappeared in my build order drop down--displaying the work unit graphic in its place, and displaying a blank next to the worker unit entry. However, the appropriate unit is still built, and the graphics appear correctly in all other situations.)

