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Extra Resources Question

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  • Extra Resources Question

    I've added extra resourses using the hacked editor and the multi tool but it it still only shows the first 2 I add. Does anyone know how to make more appear on the map?

  • #2
    check out this thread there is still an argument going on about how many you can add. personally, I haven't tested it so I can't say either way.


    • #3
      Yes, I don't know how, but he's managed to get 60 resources appearing on his map, but I can only get 24, like you. What happens on my system is that the game won't recognize any icons after 24 in the resources.pcx file. The same thing is happening to you, that's why they're not showing up. They're on the map, but they're invisible. For some reason, Monster Man doesn't have that restriction, I can clearly see icons that are way more than 24 down on the graphics file. I'm rather mystified frankly.


      • #4
        I don't know if anyone downloaded my mod and used my exact files. I just assume that Paintshop Pro is very kind to pcx files. At least I haven't heard anyone that downloaded it and didn't get it to work... I would assume if that was the case, I would have been notified?
        MonsterMan's Mod:


        • #5
          Originally posted by MonsterMan
          I don't know if anyone downloaded my mod and used my exact files. I just assume that Paintshop Pro is very kind to pcx files. At least I haven't heard anyone that downloaded it and didn't get it to work... I would assume if that was the case, I would have been notified?
          Well like I said, consider yourself lucky. I haven't been able to get more icons, and most of the other people who have brought up the same subject have said the same thing. And since it seems to be such an iffy thing, it's better to err on the side of caution by using only the 24 that are proven to work all the time. At least if one of the goals is to have other people play it.


          • #6
            Willem, can you have moe then 24 resources, a long as they use icons up to 24 (two with the same icon)
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              is that a question or a statement? lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gramphos
                Willem, can you have moe then 24 resources, a long as they use icons up to 24 (two with the same icon)
                Yes, by the looks of it I can have all the resources I want, but I can only see icons on the map for 24 of them. I've had to double or triple my use of some of the icons in order to get more resources in the game.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willem
                  Yes, by the looks of it I can have all the resources I want, but I can only see icons on the map for 24 of them. I've had to double or triple my use of some of the icons in order to get more resources in the game.
                  If you don't add any resources, but add icons, and set an early resiource to use a icon after #23, does it show up?
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gramphos

                    If you don't add any resources, but add icons, and set an early resiource to use a icon after #23, does it show up?
                    No, nothing shows up. Mind you, I've never tried it by not adding resources, there's no need to have more icons in that case. But I've never been able to see anything after #23, even using Monster Man's resources.pcx file. I don't have a clue why his works, but mine and everyone else who's mentioned it doesn't.


                    • #11
                      Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                      religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                      • #12
                        Yes I know, that's what we're talking about.


                        • #13

                          Ok, so far we're unsure about getting more than 24 icons to show up.

                          But we're sure that we can have more than 24 resources if we repeat use of icons?

                          Is there an upper limit on the number of resources possible? And what about specific limits for strategic resources?

                          I understand the city screen won't show more than 9 luxuries, but do more luxuries still help?

                          Note: My last mod was corrupted and I hadn't backed any of it up, so I'm at square one again - making incremental changes. Korn's thread is great but any other advance warning on crashes is good. Also don't want to change anything if its ultimately useless. I don't know how to delete extra resources if I make them.
                          Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                          Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                          Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                          Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                          • #14
                            Re: LIMITS?

                            Originally posted by Captain
                            Ok, so far we're unsure about getting more than 24 icons to show up.

                            But we're sure that we can have more than 24 resources if we repeat use of icons?

                            Is there an upper limit on the number of resources possible? And what about specific limits for strategic resources?

                            I understand the city screen won't show more than 9 luxuries, but do more luxuries still help?

                            Note: My last mod was corrupted and I hadn't backed any of it up, so I'm at square one again - making incremental changes. Korn's thread is great but any other advance warning on crashes is good. Also don't want to change anything if its ultimately useless. I don't know how to delete extra resources if I make them.
                            From what I can see, there's no limit to how many resources you can have. As for strategic resources, apparently there's no limit there either. If there's more than that in the city view, they just don't appear in the window, or so someone has posted here. I should know soon enough, in my current game I'm almost at 8 now with still a few more to go. I've added 4 of them in my game. And I have read that more than 8 luxuries can cause some problems, and they also have no effect. I haven't bothered much with them so I can't be certain about that.

                            BTW, deleting resources is very simple, apparently there's a back door in the editor that lets you add/delete things. Anywhere that you see "Rename", click on it, then click cancel. After that, just press the A or D key on your keyboard, depending on what you want to do.

