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  • Espionage

    I have a problem doing espionage missions. I have reasearched espionage and built the intelligence agency but the only espionage I can do is to create an embassy (from my capital) and to spy on civilisations from the city with the intelligence agency in it. No propaganda etc. is available to me I just go conduct espionage and the only option I get is to send a spy. Also when I did send a spy I got a message saying that they had either been caught or that "we now have a spy in Moscow or whatever",nothing more than that no actual beneficial information whatsoever.

    What the hell is going on or am I just stupid? Thats usually the reason anyway, would appreciate the help.
    If music be the food of love then get that man a double cheese burger!

  • #2
    Well, just to check if you aren't movin' too fast. First you have to send a spy (done when the pop-up reads "you now have a spy in...") then you can use the spy options (by clicking on the star by the AI's capital or on the "S" icon down on the right hand side).
    If you do this, it should work... or you have a small bug or something...


    • #3
      Yep, after receiving the "We have a spy in ...." message you should be able to conduct the missions.
      If your spy is caught then you have to try again (but wait a few turns).


      • #4
        once you know for certain that you've got a spy planted, you could also use Shift-E and that will take u to a window that allows you to choose which emipre (provided you've gotten a spy in them) you want to work your mojo on.

        i have noticed a rather annoying problem though. i needed to sabotage the production of a wonder being built by the romans and when i was successful i then checked the city screen thru the spy to see if all the production was gone. it was NOT. instead of being 2 turns away as it was prior to my monkey-wrench-in-your-gear-box attack, it was now 8 turns away.

        i was under the impression that when you did it would destroy ALL the production on the item in question. my impression was reinforced when i got a little pop up display that told me i was successful and that the city would have to start all over again. this all happened on my turn so it's not like they could have rushed a leader in or something (though that would have completed the wonder). it really irritates me that when i spend close to $15000 to sabotage the production that it only sabotages it a bit and not completely!!

        has anyone else noticed this?

