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Double Your Pleasure - Mod Under Construction

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  • Double Your Pleasure - Mod Under Construction

    Here is the list of changes that I am planning to implement in the mod I am working on.

    Change Log:

    Added Techs: new 48 (20 Changes to Existing Techs)
    Ancient Era:
    Farming – Starting Tech –Makes visible Wheat, Rice, and Vegetables – Starting tech for Expansionistic Civs
    Domestication – requires the wheel – allows horseback riding – Can use livestock resources
    Slavery – allows Slave Market, Requires Mysticism
    Elephant Training – Allows Elephant Rider and Elephant Archer – Requires Polytheism and Domestication
    Boat Building – Allows Mapmaking – Requires Pottery and Bronze Working - Allows Galley and Trireme
    Drama – Allows Theater – Requires Literature and Philosophy
    Tactics – Requires Iron Working and Writing - Allows Sun Tzu's Art of War
    Weaving – Requires Domestication – Allows access to silks
    Aristocracy – Requires Code of Laws – required for Monarchy
    Seafaring – Requires Mapmaking – Allows Longboat
    Change to Pottery – Requires Farming
    Change to Mapmaking – Requires Boat Building
    Change to Horseback Riding – Now requires Domestication
    Change to Democracy – Rename Egalitarianism – Requires Philosophy and Code of Laws
    Change to Republic – Rename Republicanism – Requires Currency and Code of Laws
    Change to Monarchy – Rename Divine Right – Requires Aristocracy and Polytheism
    Middle Ages:
    Agriculture – Literature and Horseback Riding – Allows Irrigation – Requires Feudalism
    Stirrup – Starting Middle Ages Tech– Required for Chivalry – Allows Knight
    Clockworks – allows improvement town clock and Big Ben Wonder – Requires Invention
    Explosives – Requires Chemistry
    Strategy – Allows Military Academy – Requires Gunpowder and Education
    Leadership – Requires Strategy and Stirrup – Allows Dragoons
    Jurisprudence – Requires Education
    Guilds – Requires Feudalism
    Mercantilism – Requires Education
    Textiles – Requires Invention – Allows Textile Mill
    Modern Legal System – Requires Federal Republic – Allows Prison and Supreme Court
    Fundamentalism – Allows Govt. of Same Name – Requires Theology
    Social Contract – Allows Constitution – Requires Printing Press and Modern Legal System
    Federalism – Allows Govt. Federal Republic – Requires Social Contract and Economics
    Change to Chivalry – Requires Monotheism, Stirrup and Feudalism
    Change to Invention – Requires Agriculture and Engineering
    Change to Education – Requires Guilds and Theology
    Change to Metallurgy - Now requires both Leadership and Explosives
    Change to Magnetism – Requires Navigation and Physics
    Change to Banking – Requires Mercantilism
    Industrial Age:
    Emancipation – Requires Steam Power – Allows Emancipation Proclamation
    Legalized Gambling – Requires Radio Allows Casino
    Pharmaceuticals – Requires Scientific Method – Allows Drug Store
    Motion Pictures – Allows Movie Palace and Hollywood – Requires Electronics
    Mass Media – Allows TV Tower – Requires Radio and Corporation
    Civil Liberties – Requires Radio and Emancipation – Allows Civil Rights Movement
    Refrigeration – Requires Electricity and Corporation – Allows Supermarkets
    Guerrilla Warfare – Requires Espionage – Allows Partisan
    Unionization – Requires Marxism – Allows Labor Union
    Automobile – Requires Mass Production, Required for Mobile Warfare – Allows Troop Transport
    Socialism – Allows Govt. Social Democracy – Requires Marxism and Civil Liberties
    Totalitarianism – Requires Nationalism – Allows Communism with Marxism, Fascism with Corporation – Allows Police Station
    Marxism – Requires Industrialization; allows Communism with Totalitarianism – Allows Union Workhouse
    Fascism – Allows Govt. Fascist State – Requires Totalitarianism and Corporation
    Change to Communism – Allows Govt. Communist Regime – requires Marxism and Totalitarianism
    Change to Automated Transportation – Renamed Mobile Warfare – Requires Automobile
    Change to Steam Engine – Doubles Work Rate, Allows Laborer
    Change to Radio – Doubles Work Rate, Allows Engineers and Radar Stations
    Change to Medicine – Allows Hospitals
    Change to Sanitation – Allows Sewage Treatment Facility
    Modern Era:
    Advanced Tactics – Requires Computers and Synthetic Fibers – Allows Special Forces
    Game Theory – John Nash’s Governing Dynamics - doubles output of all economic buildings – Requires Fission
    Machine Tools – Beginning Modern Tech – Required for Computers and Roller Coasters
    Roller Coaster – Requires Machine Tools
    Plastics – Requires Rocketry – Required for Recycling, Synthetic Fibers, Space Flight – Allows HumVee
    Pesticides – Requires Ecology – Allows Modern Farm
    Data Encryption – Requires Computers – required for E-Commerce
    E-Commerce – Requires Data Encryption and Game Theory – Allows Global E-Bank, increases commercial buildings
    Change to Recycling – Requires Plastics and Ecology
    Change to Space Flight – Requires Plastics
    Change to Synthetic Fibers – Requires Plastics

    Added Improvements: 37 new (4 Wonder Specific)
    Ancient Era:
    Shrine – happiness – Requires Ceremonial Burial
    Harbor – Now only gives additional food, Requires Farming
    Obelisk - (non buildable – is given to creator of Pyramids) +1 culture in all cities – Requires Pyramids (from LWC Mod)
    Forge – increases production – Iron Working
    Toll House – increased taxes - Requires Mathematics
    Shipyard – acts like a barracks for ships – Requires Boat Building
    Slave Market – Increases production, decreases happiness – Requires Slavery
    Basilica – increases happiness – Requires Polytheism
    Port – Allows for overseas trade, gives tax increase in water tiles, Requires Map Making
    Academy – increased science – Requires Philosophy
    Bazaar – increased luxuries – Requires Marketplace, Requires Currency
    Theater – happiness – requires Drama
    Change to Barracks – Requires Warrior Code
    Change to Temple - available with Mysticism
    Middle Ages:
    Mill – increased production – must be on a river – Requires Engineering
    Wind Mill – increases production – Requires Engineering
    Textile Mill – Increases Luxuries – Requires Textiles
    Guild Hall – increases production, tax and luxuries – Requires Invention
    Town Clock – Increases production – Requires Clockworks
    District Courthouse – reduces corruption – requires 3 courthouses – Requires Juris Prudence
    Newspaper – reduces propaganda requires Printing Press
    Prison – reduces corruption – Requires Court house – Requires Modern Legal System
    Industrial Era:
    Opera House – Increases happiness – Requires Steam Engine
    Drug Store – happiness – Requires Pharmaceuticals
    Fishery – Additional Food from Water Tiles – Requires Refrigeration and Harbor
    Stock Market – increase tax – Requires Economics
    Steel Mill – increases production – Requires Steel & Forge
    Sewage Treatment Plant – allows cities to move to level two (instead of Hospitals), Requires Sanitation
    Labor Union – increase happiness – requires Guildhall and Unionization
    Skyscrapers – increases tax and luxuries – Requires Steel
    Supermarket – Doubles Growth Rate of cities (effectively a Second Granary) Requires Refrigeration
    Movie Palace – decreases war weariness, happiness – Requires – Motion Pictures
    Radio Station – reduces propaganda – Requires Radio
    Superhighways – Increased trade – Requires Automobile
    Casino – Increased Happiness, Increased Tax, decrease production – Requires Legalized Gambling
    Television Tower – happiness – Requires Mass Media
    Civil Liberties (non buildable – is given to creator of Civil Rights Movement) +1 industry in all cities – Requires Civil Rights Movement
    Change to Police Station – Requires Totalitarianism
    Modern Era:
    Wind Farm – Increases Production – Requires Wind Mill and Ecology
    Computer Network – increased science – Requires Computers
    Amusement Park – Increased Happiness – Requires Roller Coaster
    Modern Farm – Doubles Growth Rate of Cities, Requires Granary – Acts as a tertiary Granary – Requires Pesticides
    Performing Arts Center – Increased Happiness – Requires Synthetic Fibers
    WWW Effect (non buildable, is given to the creator of the World Wide Web) increased research, +1 happiness – Requires WWW
    Genetic Tailoring (non buildable – is given to creator of Genome Project) +1 industry in all cities – Requires Genome Project

    Added Small Wonders: 16 new
    Ancient Era:
    Summer Palace – reduces corruption - Requires Code of Laws
    Riddle of the Sphinx – Leaders more Likely – Buildable only after building Sphinx
    Middle Ages:
    Holy City – reduces corruption – Requires Monotheism
    Supreme Court – reduces corruption – Requires 3 District Courts – Requires Modern Legal System
    Governor’s Mansion – reduces corruption – Requires Social Contract
    National Constitution – reduces corruption - Requires Social Contract
    Industrial Age:
    Central Bank – increases tax, 5% interest - Requires Economics
    National Monument – leaders more likely, reduces war weariness – Requires Nationalism
    National Gallery – increases happiness, leaders more likely – Requires Free Artistry
    National Library – requires 5 libraries – increases research – Requires 3 Universities
    National Electricity Grid – requires 5 power plants – increases happiness and production
    War Memorial – Requires Nationalism and One victorious Army – Leaders more likely
    Cable Network – reduces propaganda – Requires 5 TV Towers – Requires Mass Media
    Modern Era:
    The Internet – increased research – Requires 5 Computer Networks – Requires Computers
    Change to Heroic Epic – available with Literature – No longer requires Victorious Army – (LWC)
    National Health Care – increases happiness – requires 3 Hospitals – Requires Social Contract
    National Sports League – Requires Mass Media – 5 Coliseums – Increased happiness, decreased War Weariness
    Atomic Weapons Testing – Required for Manhattan Project and United Nations

    Added Wonders: 23 new
    Ancient Era:
    The Sphinx – Reduces War Weariness allows building of Riddle of the Sphinx – Requires Masonry
    Chichen Itza – Available with Code of Laws – Gives Courthouse in every city
    Stonehenge – Gives Granary in every city (early astronomers allowed for the proper time for planting crops)
    Taj Mahal – Religious – increases happiness – Requires Polytheism
    Circus Maximus – Increased Happiness in all cities – Requires Construction and 4 coliseums, the masses love a spectacle
    Middle Ages:
    Gutenberg’s Bible – increases both happiness and science – Requires Printing Press
    East India Company – increases tax and luxuries – Requires Navigation
    Big Ben – puts town clock in all cities – Requires Clockworks
    Industrial Age:
    Emancipation Proclamation – makes obsolete slave markets – happiness in all cities – requires Emancipation
    Empire State Building – increases tax and luxuries, requires 5 sky scrapers
    Eiffel Tower - reduces propaganda, those damn French, they won’t be swayed by American Culture
    Spirit of Saint Louis – if you have Magellan’s voyage Lucky Chucky should get his props too – happiness and trade
    Statue of Liberty – decreases war weariness – Requires Refining
    Edison’s Workshop – increased science – Requires Electricity
    Arc De Triomphe – Less war Weariness, leaders more likely – Requires Nationalism
    Civil Rights Movement – Requires Civil Liberties, Increased Happiness, gives Civil Liberties in all Cities
    Modern Era:
    Hollywood – decreases war weariness, Puts Movie Palace in all cities
    World Wide Web – Needs Internet – Gives WWW Effect in all cities
    Sydney Opera House – Increased happiness – Requires Synthetic Fibers
    Global E-Bank – increased tax, 5% interest – Requires E-Commerce
    Las Vegas – Increased Taxes, Increased Luxuries – Requires 4 Casinos – Requires Legalized Gambling
    Disneyland – The Happiest Place In the World!!! – Requires Roller Coaster
    Genome Project – Requires Genetics, gives genetic tailoring

    Changes to Existing Wonders:
    Pyramids: Increases Luxury Trade, Resistant to Propaganda and Reduces Corruption in city that builds it – Puts Obelisk in all cities (from LWC mod)
    Cure for Cancer – shiny happy people – Requires 5 Hospitals
    Longevity – Requires 5 Research Labs

    Added/Modified Units: 29 new
    Ancient Era:
    Barbarian Warrior – Barbarian Only
    Barbarian Rider – Barbarian Only
    Elephant Rider – Available with Elephant training
    Elephant Archer – Available with Elephant training
    Chariot Archer – Available with the Wheel
    Spy – Available with literacy, no attack, can pillage, hidden nationality – “What?!? Who?!? Where?!? Us?? No.”
    Coracle – available with Pottery, early boat moves 2 carries 1 no attack
    Trireme – Military version of Galley – Requires Boat Building
    Longship – sailing ship available with Mapmaking, can voyage across the ocean, moves 2 carries 2
    Middle Ages:
    Longsordsmen – Available with Feudalism
    Crusader – With Chivalry
    Fanatic – Terrorist Unit – available with Fundamentalism – available to all civs – Stealth/Cruise Missile/Low Defense
    Musketmen – Available with Leadership
    Corvette – Available with Navigation
    Brig – Available with Astronomy
    Change to Musketmen – Renamed Arquebusier
    Changed to War Elephant - Available with Stirrup; requires Ivory
    Change to current Cavalry – Renamed Dragoons - of the Napoleonic/Colonial Period - now available with Leadership
    Industrial Age:
    Laborer – Industrial Age worker; 2 Movement - Available with Steam Engine
    Troop Transport – Available with Automobile
    Cavalry – akin to the US army cavalry circa Civil War - Available with nationalism
    Partisan – Available with Guerilla Warfare
    Land Mine – Available with Mass Production
    Naval Mine - Available with Mass Production
    Secret Agent – Available with Espionage, upgrade from spy, better defense, still no attack – don’t want them to be able to take over cities, but can bombard – gives them some offensive capabilities, ”, treats all tiles as roads - “I think this would be a good time to leave”, can pillage – there real purpose, and of course hidden nationality - “if you are caught we have no knowledge of your existence.”
    Airbase – Available with Flight
    Radar Station – Available with Radio
    Engineer – Modern Age Worker; 3 Movement – Available with Radio
    Changed to Samurai – Available with Feudalism
    Change to Knight –Available with Stirrup
    Modern Era:
    SpecialOps – Green Berets/Navy SEALS/SAS, etc. – Available with Advanced Tactics
    HumVee – Lighter Faster Troop Transport – Available with Plastics
    PPS-15 Radar – Available with Miniaturization
    Penguin Anti-Ship Missile – Available with Rocketry

    Note: Nearly all units will have their A/D/M ratings changed.
    Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
    or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
    For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.

  • #2
    Part 2

    There will be a complete overhaul of the Units A/D/M

    The List of Governments: (4 New)
    Anarchy – Default Govt.
    Rate Cap: 5
    Worker Rate: 50%
    Assimilation Chance: 10%
    Draft Limit: 0
    MP Limit: 0
    Corruption: Catastrophic
    Cost/Unit: All Units Free
    Free Units Per:
    Town: City: Metro:
    Diplomats: Conscript
    Spies: Conscript
    Immune To: Initiate Propaganda
    War Weariness: None
    Maintenance: Not Required
    Labor: Forced
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: Yes

    Rate Cap: 5
    Worker Rate: 50%
    Assimilation Chance: 10%
    Draft Limit: 0
    MP Limit: 0
    Corruption: Catastrophic
    Free Units Per:
    Town:4 City:4 Metropolis:4
    Diplomats: Conscript
    Spies: Conscript
    Immune To: Initiate Propaganda
    War Weariness: None
    Maintenance: Not Required
    Labor: Forced
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: Yes

    Rate Cap: 6
    Worker Rate: 150%
    Assimilation Chance: 10%
    Draft Limit: 2
    MP Limit: 2
    Corruption: Problematic
    Cost/Unit: 1
    Free Units Per:
    Town:3 City:5 Metropolis:7
    Diplomats: Regular
    Spies: Regular
    Immune To:
    War Weariness: None
    Maintenance: Required
    Labor: Paid
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Rate Cap: 8
    Worker Rate: 100%
    Assimilation Chance: 10%
    Draft Limit: 1
    MP Limit: 2
    Corruption: Rampant
    Free Units Per:
    Town:2 City:4 Metropolis:6
    Diplomats: Veterans
    Spies: Regular
    Immune To: Propaganda
    War Weariness: Low
    Maintenance: Required
    Labor: Paid
    Standard Trade Bonus: Yes
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Rate Cap: 7
    Worker Rate: 100%
    Assimilation Chance: 10%
    Draft Limit: 2
    MP Limit: 3
    Corruption: Problematic
    Free Units Per:
    Town:2 City:4 Metropolis:8
    Immune To:
    War Weariness: Low
    Maintenance: Required
    Labor: Paid
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Rate Cap: 5
    Worker Rate: 50%
    Assimilation Chance:10%
    Draft Limit: 3
    MP Limit: 4
    Corruption: Minimal
    Cost/Unit: All Free
    Free Units Per:
    Town: City: Metro:
    Diplomats: Conscript
    Spies: Veteran
    Immune To: Propoganda
    War Weariness: None
    Maintenance: None
    Standard Tile Penalty
    Labor: Forced
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Communist Regime
    Rate Cap: 8
    Worker Rate: 100%
    Assimilation Chance: %
    Draft Limit:
    MP Limit:
    Corruption: Communal
    Free Units Per:
    Town:3 City:6 Metropolis:10
    War Wariness: Low
    Immune To:
    Maintenance: None
    Labor: Forced
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Fascist State
    Rate Cap: 9
    Worker Rate: 100%
    Assimilation Chance: %
    Draft Limit: 3
    MP Limit: 3
    Corruption: Problematic
    Free Units Per:
    Town:3 City:6 Metropolis:10
    War Wariness: None
    Immune To:
    Maintenance: Required
    Labor: Paid
    Standard Trade Bonus: Yes
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Federal Republic
    Rate Cap: 10
    Worker Rate: 200%
    Assimilation Chance: 5%
    Draft Limit: 1
    MP Limit: 0
    Corruption: Nuisance
    Cost/Unit: 1
    Free Units Per:
    Town:1 City: 2 Metropolis: 4
    Diplomats: Veteran
    Spies: Veteran
    War Wariness: Low
    Immune To: None
    Maintenance: Required
    Labor: Paid
    Standard Trade Bonus: Yes
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Social Democracy
    Rate Cap: 10
    Worker Rate: 150%
    Assimilation Chance: 4%
    Draft Limit: 3
    MP Limit: 1
    Corruption and Waste: Nuisance
    War Weariness: High
    Immune to: Sabotage Production
    Cost/Unit: 1
    Free Units Per:
    Town: 1 City: 2 Metropolis: 5
    Diplomats: Veteran
    Spies: Regular
    Maintenance: Required
    Labor: Paid
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: No

    Modifications to Resources: 13 new (34 total)

    Coffee Beans

    Precious Metals

    Marble/Jade – Available with Masonry
    Copper – Available from Start
    Iron – Available with Bronze Working
    Silks – Available with Weaving
    Dyes – Available with Ceremonial Burial
    Gems – Available with Bronze Working
    Cotton – Available with Textiles
    Tobacco – Available with Agriculture
    Coffee Beans – Available with Agriculture
    Incense – Available with Mysticism
    Livestock – Available with Domestication
    Foodstuffs – Available with Farming

    Removed Mining from Grasslands
    Upped the food production for Grassland, Plains, and Hills by one
    Upped the shield production of forest and mountains
    Increased commerce production of all terrain
    Increased Irrigation bonus for Grassland, Plains, Hills, Desert, and Flood Plains to compensate for the additional food consumption
    Can mine forests (think lumber mill)
    Tundra and desert produce no food

    Worker Jobs:
    Mining Available with Bronze Working
    Roads Available with The Wheel
    Irrigation not available until Agriculture

    Citizens consume 3 food

    Altered civ tech rate – may now discover techs in as few as two turns, might switch this to one

    Combat Experience:
    Conscript: 2
    Regular: 3
    Veteran: 4
    Elite: 6

    Lowered players advantage against Barbarians
    Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
    or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
    For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


    • #3
      Looks pretty good, how do you think this mod is going to stack up against the Blitz mod, LWC, and the BALANCER mod? I basically want to use them od that is the most balanced, but I don't know which one that is yet!!


      • #4
        very interesting. too bad we can't add new ages, even ones that reused the leaderheads from modern would be great. I'm working on a mod that adds 40+ new techs and two pages of new buildings, big overhaul to units as well, and my tech tree is stacked. Have you pulled someone in with you to help on your mod DJensen?


        • #5

          Not yet, but I am looking for someone to work with. Are you interested?

          I have the tree all laid out, just need to find the time to implement it.
          Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
          or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
          For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


          • #6
            sorta. i just implemented those techs i was talking about and currently ive been adding the buildings. i recommend you dont start adjusting the positions of the tech on the screen until youve added the buildings and linked them to their prereqs. do you have icq? mine is 20372439, my email is

            In my mod I was trying to give the game some story to it. My story went like this: heaven, hell, and an outside alien force in the ancient age take notice of mankind and start to insinuate them into Man's life. During the middle ages they become worshipped as gods, and power from them grows tremendously. Their power peaks in the industrial ages, culminating in an altered conscious state. Units are upgraded with outside technology, etc. But during the modern age, Mankind begins to wrest control from the Others and struggles for independence. The greatest victory is achieved with transcendance to a state similar to that of the Others, although more powerful by far. Diplomacy is not an option, although culture (transcendance), dominance, conquest and space race are (space race is pushed further into the end game though).

            LOL, my changes log is all on paper at the moment, and its 2am so I don't really want to type it up yet.

            42 techs:

            16 techs are my own
            6 techs are from SMAC
            5 techs are from LWC
            7 techs are from M3
            8 techs are from AL

            57 buildings:

            44 from me
            5 from LWC
            4 from SMAC
            1 from Blitz
            2 from Realism
            1 from Balancer

            All the specifics for civilopedia entries are my own and excepting SMAC buildings, building stats are my own as well. For the techs, I used the first impression I got from reading the name of the tech and worked that into my mod. e.g. I have no idea if alien logic came after crossbreeding in the Alien's Legacy mod, but it does in mine (I also changed the names in some cases). I did put Mecha after advanced robotics and adv. rocketry, so I suppose that is one case where I copied the structure (also that just seems correct anyways).

            Right now I have 3 new governments based around worship of one of the race of Others. At least 18 of the buildings require you to have one of these new governments.

            There are also several new resources, and some old resources changed to be strategic for various purposes (wine and incense).

            hmmm, if I can remember, I'll try and scan my notes so I don't have to type them all up.

            I think right now I would like to finish my mod, since it's been nagging at me since Christmas time, but once I am done I would certainly think about integrating a bunch of your ideas into a new version of it (I think some techs would need to get moved back an age though to make room for them all).

            If you need any help with something, give me a holler and/or post on the apolyton boards and I'll try and help.


            • #7
              There is a much easier way of reducing corruption that adding all those buildings. And if the cities which needs it only makes one shield, extra building won't help. Try this: Go to the Difficulty tab in CivEdit and set the percentage of optimal cities to 100%. Then all you have to do is adjust the city setting under the World Size to your liking. I have it now to 50% more than default. Try it.


              • #8

                I will be more than happy to assist you with your Mod. I would suggest that a basic review of your ideas be done to make sure that the Mod doesn't fall into the realm of adding more for the sake of adding more. If you need help drop me an e-mail at



                • #9
                  How are you going to decide what you need to change to balance the game properly to make it more fun? Are you going to conduct polls or anything, or are you just going to decide yourself on the best values?
                  DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


                  • #10
                    is nice, but is not for me
                    Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                    religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                    • #11
                      Now that the board is back up

                      Don't have ICQ. Don't want to look like a complete idiot here but some things can't be helped. What is it? and Where do I get it? Your mod/scenario sounds cool, I would love to play it when it's done.

                      Regarding a review: That's why I put the info on the boards. I am looking for feedback. Is there something that jumps out at you and screams "this doesn't need to be here!"

                      Regarding the values: I haven't completely worked those out yet. I figured they would correspond to other improvements in the same era, give or take. Any ideas? I am working on that right now. I probably should have finished them before I posted, but I was so anxious to get my ideas out there, and hopefully get some constructive criticism.

                      What don't you like about it? Any suggestions for changes that might make it "for you"?
                      Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
                      or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
                      For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


                      • #12
                        I think the thing you have to decide is what do you want the mod to do? I mean do you think that units are unbalanced and need to be balanced? Or do you just want to add thigns to the game?
                        DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


                        • #13
                          ICQ is an instant messenger service. you can find it at

                          right now I'm kinda miffed that I'm going to have to go back through and stop using 40 something icons for techs. That's going to look sooo stupid. Good news though, I did find a ton of new wonder screens, and I've implemented them (need to fix their palettes though, the 255 index is transparent for some stupid reason on wonder splashes, so I gotta fix em). All of my new buildings that require wonder screens have them, I was thinking about posting them as a group. I was hoping to get a hold of che palle's wonder splash overlay to make them even better.


                          • #14

                            I think the aim of this mod is to increase the depth and options and thereby increase the number of strategic choices that players have to make. I found that my games tended to take on a similar timeline, always going after the same techs and the same wonders and eventually it got boring by the late industrial period. I am hoping that by increasing the depth of the earlier periods it will, if not alleviate the tedium of the modern age at least push off its appearance until later, and in the mean time enhance the earlier ages as well.

                            To do this I have added numerous new techs and corresponding units/improvements. There are changes to when resources appear and worker jobs that will better simulate the advancement of civilization.


                            I ended up just picking four tech icons, the alphabet, chemistry, electricity, and atomic theory and using those for all the techs except for the governments. It was easier than trying to match techs up with similar yet not quite right icons. I am considering using more icons to represent different types of techs, i.e. military science, social science, applied science, but that is still up in the air.

                            I have wonder splash images for almost all of my wonders, just a few I have to finish. I have either made them myself, grabbed them from google and edited them, grabbed them from ToT and edited them, or grabbed them from CTP and edited them. Most of them are from google. I was going to post them when they were all done. Where did you find your new wonder images? I agree, I would love to get a hold of that wonder splash overlay. It is a great addition to the images and very helpful.

                            My ICQ is 152688375
                            Last edited by Kal-el; March 4, 2002, 16:28.
                            Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
                            or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
                            For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


                            • #15
                              I got some from Haven who has some pages here on apolyton, I'll link to them later when I get home. I got some from the Internet Ray Tracing Contest site, and two from witerabbit, and a bunch from doing google image searches. Oh yeah, I got the transcendence splash from a site that was hosting a bunch of smac pics.

                              My power is out right now, so I'm forced to use the school lab computers until it's back on.

