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Emperor level quirk or 1.17f bug?

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  • Emperor level quirk or 1.17f bug?

    I'm playing my first Emperor level game, as well as my first game since installing the new patch. I received two remotely located cities as exchange for a peace agreement. In all games I've played thus far, I would also have received a unit in those cities. However, this time no units were present. Is this a normal occurance for the Emperor difficulty?

    Additionally, in one of those cities I rush built a spearman while ruled by a Monarchy. The rush build cost me the normal gold, but I also lost population. This was very odd as the city was harvasting enough food for growth and the normal text advising the population loss(for a Despotism or Communism rush build) was absent.

    Has anyone else experianced this??? I'd like to know if this is a normal occurance for the Emporer difficulty before submitting it as a patch bug.

  • #2
    I've received cities from other Civs and they too do not have units guarding them. I am playing on the easiest setting, chief or whatver it's called. I don't recall if it's always been that way.


    • #3
      Jeremy Have you installed patch 1.17f?


      • #4
        Yes, I'm playing with the 1.17f version. Got three cities from Joan, not a single unit in any of them.


        • #5
          I asked this same question at Civ Fanatics and two posters had the same results. It appears to be a new "feature" of the new patch.


          • #6
            It's probably because someone discovered an exploit using the free units that gaining a city created. They would recieve a city in a deal, take the unit, then give the city to some other civ, and just repeat the process with them. He would just make the rounds with the end result that he would get seven units, or more, to each of the other civ's one. I guess Soren decided to plug that loophole.


            • #7
              That makes a twisted sort of sense. Is it just me or is the closing of these "loopholes" adversly affecting normal game play? And what new loopholes are spawned as a result of these "fixes". Someone will always find a way to "Beat The System". Does it really matter that some people look for exploits and loopholes to capitize on. Why should the way the cunning capitilizers play the game dictate how the rest of us play the game. Don't the non exploiters have rights too.

              I quess we have no choice but to bite the bullet and take the good with the bad, and to expect more broken fixes in the near future. How could they have missed the lobotamizing of the tech tree race, and the broken stack movement. If these obvious "broken fixes" were missed by the Firaxis testing team, what deeper game breakers are lurking in their code?

