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Game keeps crashing in 1756

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  • Game keeps crashing in 1756

    For some reason the attached game keeps crashing in 1756 (or 1758, depending on how you look at it).

    Until today I was playing with 1.16f. In the save game there are three naval units left to move. I hit spacebar on all three to leave them where they stand (float, whatever) and the game crashes.

    I just downloaded 1.17f and tried again. This time I made it through the AI tunrs but during the build announcements at the beginning of my next turn (1758 I think) I get the same crash.

    Has anyone seen this before? Can you offer any suggestions?

    Thanks tons.


    OK, I see attaching a save game is not quite as easy as it appeared (I just knew it). So now I have two problems. So first off, any suggestions on how to get my save game to you?


  • #2
    Attached game?


    • #3
      On the screen the forum provides to create a post there's a place to attach a file....

      Oh, I see the max size is 500,000 bytes, and of course the save game is far larger than that. I don't have a website to host the save game, unfortunately. Guess I'm SOL.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyJoe
        Oh, I see the max size is 500,000 bytes, and of course the save game is far larger than that. I don't have a website to host the save game, unfortunately. Guess I'm SOL.
        Use winzip to compress the file - it should be well under 500K then.

        Regarding games that keep crashing - I have experienced this myself with v1.07 and v1.16 (can't comment on v1.17 yet). About 1 of 10 games apparently becomes corrupted in the late middle age / early industrial age and crashes whatever I try.

        Some forum members might be able to help you - especially Gramphos, the creator of the Civ3 multitool.
        "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


        • #5
          Very good idea, Lockstep. I shoulda thought of it myself.

          Here's the zip file (I hope):
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I hope you can wait a while, because I have a rally hard time this week.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              No problem, I can wait. Thanks for taking a look at this. Just let me know if you come across anything that's fixable.

              Thanks again.


              • #8
                OK, so I've tried another game and the same thing happened.

                I started a new game under 1.17f as the Indians again and made it to 1640. Now I get the same hard failure - you know, that windows box with the red X. It happens each time I restart Civ III and reload the save game.

                Here's that save game. If anyone could help me understand what's going on here I'd appreciate it. It'd be kinda nice to actually make it to modern times.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  because I'm a glutton for punishment I tried again and found the third time was not the charm. I reached 1705 this time and got the same thing. attached is the save game.

                  is Firaxis viewing these help items or should I contact them some other way? I'm assuming this software is supported, though that may be a rash assumption, and I'd still like to know what, if anything, they can tell me about the reoccurring problem.

                  though with the number of unexplained issues noted on this board I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up to high...
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Is it a "Civilization3.e.exe" crash problem? If so some of us have had this problem before. It was possible to continue by varying the movement/build etc orders of the TWO turns before the crash, but the problem inevitably recurred just a few decades later. I reported this in the Apolyton Official bug list and asked some ppl in various fora, yet have not had any takers. I have not tried the afflicted games in 1.17f, as I long ago gave up and deleted them.

                    Good luck trying to follow things up!

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

