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can you have ancient prereq for modern tech?

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  • can you have ancient prereq for modern tech?


    I was wondering if anyone knew what would happen if you made an ancient tech that was required for a modern advance. Can techs be linked over eras?

    [edit] n/m the editor doesn't even let you try it. This is what I get for overestimating the editor again.

    Btw, here's a little teaser: some time probably in early march I'm going to post a mod with 44 new techs (latest count), with several new units, and lots of old units upgraded. A bunch of new buildings, wonders, etc, as well as civilopedia entries for all that. Wish me luck!
    Last edited by Mizaq; February 24, 2002, 03:46.

  • #2
    I will be interested in seeing how you fit 44 windows in the science advisor screen

    Did you manage to add new eras or...?
    Will you be using new graphics for your buildings?
    MonsterMan's Mod:


    • #3
      I'm gonna try and make my own wondersplashes, but I'll probably recycle used pediaicons for the time being (it's taking up enough time just creating story text for the various entries). Right now I have text for 18 advances. Btw, I'm adding 18 new modern era advances, and the other eras get less, so it's not like I'm adding 44 into one screen. I haven't messed around with the eras yet, even though Gramphos enabled it in the multitool.


      • #4
        One way of getting around the problem is to require resources or buildings from the ancient tech to build the things you get from the modern one.

        Some examples from my big huge mod project (where I have changed the entire tech tree):

        Monotheism is an optional tech in the Ancient Age which makes the Shrine resource visible. With Enlightenment - a Renaissance tech - you can build Bach's Cathedral, which requires a Shrine, so you will need Monotheism anyway.

        Medicine is an optional tech in the Renaissance which allows Hospitals. Genetics and Bio-Engineering are techs in the Information Age (my name for the Modern age), but all the things you can build with these techs require Hospitals.
        The difference between industrial society and information society:
        In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
        In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


        • #5
          here is a rough draft of what i have now. i've taken the liberty (i'll credit them in the readme) of borrowing a few techs from other modders as well as making some of my own. I started to go through these some more to make it look all pretty, but i realized it's a waste of time doing that before I have assigned wonders, buildings, units, etc., to that tech (which widens/deepens that window).


          • #6
            here is the splash screen I made for it. (I've already posted the menu screen I'm using on another thread).

            rename this to 00000409.256 and put it in your civ3 root directory. err, it also needs to be a windows rgb encoded 256 color bitmap.

