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Please help, Firaxis, patch trashed my game

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  • Please help, Firaxis, patch trashed my game

    As previously related here:

    because of the incorrect editor in v1.17f, I was forced to delete and reinstall Civ 3 several times to try to get it running. After the second uninstall, I could no longer install the game. In the linked thread, Firaxis programmer Mike Breitkreutz asked me to describe the problem, which I did:

    I deleted the folder with Civ3 in it (because the Civ3 uninstall progrm refused to work the second time). When I try to reinstall, the splash screen comes up with the option to play Civ3 as if it were installed (which, of course, does not work). Choosing reinstall brings up a dialogue box asking if I want to delete all elements of this application. Clicking OK brings up the uninstall wizard; after the progress bar goes to 1%, a dialogue box comes up stating that maintenance has been completed on Civilization III. If I bring up the uninstall/add program wizard, it shows I have an installed program named Civilization III of 1.17 MB, although I have been unable to find such files anywhere. Attempting to delete this program again brings up same two dialogue boxes as when trying to reinstall the game from the CD, and it never deletes. Is there anything I can do to get the game to reinstall?

    I received no further help. As a result of the incorrect editor in the patch, I have no game. Can anyone at Firaxis, or on this board, suggest a fix?
    I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.

  • #2
    Turn on hidden files, and go to your program files folder.

    In there you will find a folder named "InstallShield Installation Information" rename that to lets say "_InstallShield Installation Information". Try to reinstall Civ3 then. Start Civ3, satart a game, quit Civ3, and then reinstall the patch.

    If all that works, locate the new "InstallShield Installation Information" directory, and copy the contents of that directory to the old folder (replacing all files) Then you can delete the new directory, and rename back the old directory.

    If that doesn't work post again.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Gramphos, thanks so much. I was not able to get on the board until this afternoon, and your suggesions worked like a charm My game is reinstalled and patched to v1.17f with the correct editor (I was able to start a game after making an edit). I really appreciate your help. Now, I just need to wean myself from that Disciples II jones that I have developed in the past week
      I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.


      • #4
        What about if that doesn't work?

        Here is my problem... Every time I reached the second golden age the game would freeze. So I decided to uninstall the game, and reinstall it... Uninstall went fine (then I looked and saw that I still had all those files in the Infogrames folder so I deleted those). Then reinstalled and patched... nothing... click on the icon or start from the autoplay menu.. i get an hourglass for a few seconds, then nothing happens... I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to close the Civilization3.exe file thats "running"

        The above fix hasn't worked either... anyone have any ideas? I am running WinXP if that makes a difference.


        • #5
          similar install issue

          Please Help!

          When I tried to install the 1.17f patch, the installer seemed to copy some files then gave me this error:
          Setup failed to launch installation engine.
          Error loading type library/DLL

          After that, I can no longer uninstall/reinstall anything to do with CivIII. I get the same error. I've tried deleting the game folder and everything "civ" in the registry, but still no dice. I'm assuming that one of the DLL's the installer requires is corrupted, but I have no idea which one or where it is. Any thoughts?

          All I wanted to do was upgrade to the latest patch and instead I can't even play the game !!!

          TIA -- Mike

