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diplomacy questions

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  • diplomacy questions

    First off, I can't seem to figure out how to establish an impassy. I have contact with the other civs but can't get the embassy.

    Also, another civ established an embassy with me, and I entered into an MPP with them. How do I get out of it? They keep dragging me into war...

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    To create an embassy you need to
    1. have writing
    2. double-click on the star next to your capital

    To get to active deals you need to
    1. contact the civ
    2. select that you want to make a deal
    3. click on active at the bottom of the screen.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Re: diplomacy questions

      Originally posted by pjpac
      First off, I can't seem to figure out how to establish an impassy. I have contact with the other civs but can't get the embassy.
      The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-E

      Also, another civ established an embassy with me, and I entered into an MPP with them. How do I get out of it? They keep dragging me into war...
      Keep in mind that if you cancel the MPP before the 20 turns are up, you will cause considerable damage to your diplomatic dealings with that civ. It will be much harder to make arrangements with in the future. It might also affect your dealings with other civs as well, since you've proven yourself untrustworthy, though I'm not entirely sure about that.


      • #4
        Also, keep in mind that if another civ asks you to sign an MPP, chances are they're making plans to attack someone. So don't jump into them lightly.


        • #5
          I agree with Willem. You have to be very careful about entering MPPs. Especially when the weakest Civ in the game asks you for one. Usually means they are about to get into a war with someone.

          As far as embassies go, I actually think that establishing one makes the Civ with which you established it happier with you. Can someone confirm or deny that?



          • #6
            Establishing Embassies

            The hot key for establishing an embassy is [ CTRL-E ]

