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MODIFICATION: Mizaq's Root Mod for MultiTool challenged people

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  • MODIFICATION: Mizaq's Root Mod for MultiTool challenged people


    In this mod I've made 12 blank city improvements, 12 blank small wonders, 12 blank great wonders, 20 blank units, 9 blank citizens, 8 blank resources, 1 new resource, and written pretty clear (I think) instructions on how to change the text files and use the editor to point to your new building name when you change it.

    The blank things are not so much "new" as they are just copies that are there so that people that don't know/can't figure out the MultiTool can just pick up this mod and make a few text changes and play the game. BTW, the MultiTool is easy to use, thanks Gramphos!

    In later versions I'll add even more versions of existing units so there can be minor upgrades to unit strength as the game goes on (or for whatever the heck you want to do with them, this is the "Root" mod after all). I also plan on adding citizens and resources, and also adding the comprehensive city/leader name corrections to the mod.

    I don't know how to set the graphics for the new citizens and I'm not even sure if governors use new citizens. Working on it.

    - Added 9 blank citizens
    - Added 8 blank resources
    - Added 1 new resource (Timber w/ graphic)

    - Added 20 blank units (4 each of 5 different types: Settler, Explorer, Worker, Marine, Scout). Make sure to run units.bat to ensure they work correctly.

    - included the buildings-large and buildings-small pcx files

    - added 12 blank city improvements
    - added 12 blank small wonders
    - added 12 blank great wonders

    Attached is Root Mod v1.8
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mizaq; February 18, 2002, 01:20.

  • #2
    Great work! I haven't checked it out yet, but will this weekend. This is just what a lot of us needed. A second version with extra units would be awesome, though.

    Many thanks!


    • #3
      looks great! How about some new blank advances too....


      • #4
        the problem with blank advances is that where they are to be found in the science advisor screen needs to be inputed beforehand. i suppose i could add 8 techs to each era and pencil them in, just leaving the lines (eg writing has a line leading up to literature) the budding modder to add himself.

        I do want to add tech advances though, so that will be done as well

        I'm gonna try and work on the units part this weekend, maybe i can make a batch file that does all the work so I don't have to attach a hundred unit folders.


        • #5
          Updated to v1.01. I had left out the buildings-small and buildings-large pcx files. Soon I will have an update with 25 blank units and about 8 blank citizens.


          • #6
            Updated to version 1.5

            I added 20 units, more are on the way. Didn't get to the citizens yet.


            • #7

              Now, can you add a bunch of slots for new resources?

              No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


              • #8
                Updated to version 1.8. Added 8 blank resources and created 1 new one named Timber (so 9 more resources for you guys to mess with). I also added 9 blank citizens, but I haven't figured out how to match new citizens with graphics yet.

                Should I have added more resources? Or concentrate on adding more blank units?

                Btw, the readme in this thing is getting to be a lengthy treatise on editing the civilopedia.

                - Mizaq


                • #9
                  Do you get your resources to show up in game vreated random maps..?! They show up fine in the editor... but i find i cannot view additional resources in the game created maps..



                  • #10
                    Did you enable them? They are disabled by default so you need to use the editor and go in and select those new resources under the terrains tab. For example, if you wanted to add a new bonus resource that you renamed to Oasis, you would need to go into the terrain tab and go to Desert and ctrl-click oasis so it also appeared (you ctrl-click because you want it to continue using oil, saltpeter, etc., in deserts as well). Make sure you select an icon for the new resource as well. Do not make any new luxury resources, that will crash the game. You can make new strategic and bonus resources though.

                    If you have done all that, the problem is most likely that you haven't correctly changed the appearance rate in the resources tab. Give the new resource a rate similar to exisiting resources of the same type (strategic type or bonus type).


                    • #11
                      No that's not what he meant. I've got the same problem. If you use more than 36 resources than those pictures above No. 36 will show up in the editor (on the selected terrain) but they wont show up in the game itself.

                      And MAYBE they cause the game to crash. I've crashed twice when Invention has been researched. Invention would have enabled one (bonus-)resource which was No.52 or something and after I had Invention I couldn't look up the city screen anymore.

                      First I thought that has to do with the Luxury-Resource Problem but now I don't know. Maybe it's truly a problem with this "more-than-36"-task.


                      • #12
                        I used the editor to start a game with 56 resources on the map surrounding my starting position and as long as I didn't make them new luxury resources the game seemed to play fine even when they were all connected by roads to your capital.

                        hmm, well there is a 10% chance I goofed and forgot to try making them bonus resources, but I know for certain that I tested them as strategic resources and as luxury resources.


                        • #13
                          hm, maybe I just screw up the civ3.exe

                          what version did you use? Maybe it's a problem with 1.21

                          this resource-thing makes me crazy!


                          • #14
                            I was using 1.21 when I played with all those resources. You can test this yourself by adding a bunch of resources and then testing it with the editor. If you can't even place the resource with the editor that means you haven't enabled that resource to be placed onto the current terrain type.


                            • #15
                              Yeah with the editor it's no problem to add more than 36, there you will see them. But in the actual game itself they are "invisible". They are there, so you get the bonuses, but they have no picture.

