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Patch 1.17

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  • Patch 1.17

    Ok just a minor winge about the editor change for 1.17 patch

    I had a mod I was working on which in the early part of the game, Thatching requires the Wheat resource to discover... and now the patch wont allow resource use for requirements...

    what will I do now...

    chuck out my mod ideas and start again from scratch I recon

    EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests

  • #2
    Re: Patch 1.17

    Originally posted by Bane Star
    Ok just a minor winge about the editor change for 1.17 patch

    I had a mod I was working on which in the early part of the game, Thatching requires the Wheat resource to discover... and now the patch wont allow resource use for requirements...

    what will I do now...

    chuck out my mod ideas and start again from scratch I recon

    Well that never worked anyway, so you're not losing anything. I tried to set a bonus resource as a requirement for some of my buildings, and the game wouldn't recognize it. So they're just saving people from dissapointment as I see it. You could always convert it to a luxury or strategic resource. Apparently you can have as many strategic resources as you like, they just don't show up in the city screen. I understand there's a problem with luxuries though, if you have to many.


    • #3
      Ok heres an answer

      Simple enough, put the resource Icon as a terrain resource and as a technology required resource in the same square as the same icon picture, that was I can have wheat affect the square for food etc etc, and effect the requirement of wheat for thatching
      I knew If I slept on it long enough I would get out of the cage
      EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests

