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Improving Ancient-era Naval Warfare

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  • Improving Ancient-era Naval Warfare

    I feel that Ancient-era naval warfare has been somewhat neglected in CIV3, and I would like to improve it.

    We have a 1/1/3 (2) Galley for 30 shields, but that's all the ancient-era naval vessels we have, and indeed is the only naval vessel until the Caravel. A lot of the ancient wars were fought with a variety of naval vessels, particularly between Rome and Carthage, and to represent this entire era with a single vessel is oversimplifying it too much.

    I suggest the addition of the Trireme as an ancient-era warship. The Trireme is a representative ancient-era offensive naval vessel, with 2/2/4 stats and 40 shield production costs. It is faster and more powerful than the Galley, but cannot carry units. Like the Galley, it is restricted to coasts. It should upgrade to the Frigate. It would make a perfect Barbarian naval vessel. It would probably become available with Mapmaking, although I would prefer it to become available slightly later.

    Because it has 2/2/4 stats, all other naval vessels will need to be upgraded in strength and speed accordingly so the Trireme can be beaten in battle by all later units. How should this be done?

    The problem I have is that I have no graphical skills, so I can't do a good-looking Trireme unit. Is there anyone willing to create a Trireme animation that looks like the Galley, only somewhat larger so they can easily be told apart? Is there one already? I'm sure other mod-makers will find such a unit useful, so it should be a good one to create.
    None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?

  • #2
    I'm not actually sure of the cost of the Galley, so if the Galley costs 40 shields, the Trireme should cost 60. Alternatively, just make the Galley cost 30 and the Trireme cost 40 because the Galley is weaker now in comparison to other vessels.

    Shield costs were calculated thus:

    1/1 = 10
    move 3 = 10
    carry 2 = 10

    2/2 = 20
    move 4 = 20
    None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


    • #3
      hang on......

      I'm working on a mod based from stone age to iron age/medieval. My brother is making graphics for me, we have 20 or so ships from the humble raft to the galleons, caravals and frigates, so hold on to your booties, cause even If I take a few months, someone else will surely develop other stuff too
      EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


      • #4
        Please read my Maritime Manifesto to get ideas about early ships.
        The difference between industrial society and information society:
        In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
        In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

