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City size

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  • City size

    Help, I'm quite new to Civ three and this is my first post, but I have been reading this site for about a year.

    Early in the game i.e. until about 500AD (which is the furthest I've got) I cannot get cities to grow beyond size 12 WHY?

    Does this change with one oth the later advances or something.

  • #2
    To grow beyond a population of 12, a city needs a hospital. Hospitals can be built once you have researched Sanitation (an Industrial Age tech).


    • #3
      yep... gotta have a hospital.

      my personal strategy is to take the opportunity to get "free" (other than support) workers... when your city is at 12 population and either 1 turn left to grow or 9999, build a worker. pop will drop down to 11, and then grow the turn after that.

      the city is growing... why not take advantage of it? assuming, of course, you can handle the support costs.
      it's just my opinion. can you dig it?

