Ok, I don't know if anyone here has read the Harry Turtledove series entitled "Worldwar", but I'll give you the idea of it, and then ask if it can be made into a mod.
Its 1942. The world is at war. America is starting its pacific war. Soviets and the Nazi's are goin at it. England has fought off the luftwafte.
And then, THEY arive. Who are THEY? An extra-terrestrial group that call themselves "The Race", but are better known to humans as "The Lizzards". In a civ 3 view of things, they have all the techs that came with the game.
The Lizzards land their own alpha centauri type ships on various places around the planet. Atleast one in North America, one in China, One in west Russia, one in France, probably a few more too. They rapidly expand from their landing points to conquer a very sizable portion of the world. But they have two major problems. 1: They have what they have, and when they run out of that, they're done. and 2: They dispize change, or surprises. So they don't advance in tech, and they rarely do anything different from what they normally do.
Anyways, they have some awesome troops, and they're fighting against a world thats already in the biggest war ever. All the big war mongering countries, USSR, Germany, England, America, Japan, they all become alies to fight off the aliens. The only human group to actually ally with the aliens are the polish jews, who think they are god's way of saving them from the extermination camps of the nazis (this has something to do with one of the jews praying for a savior of some kind, and the lizards detonating a nuke way high up (where no one gets hurt)... so the jew guy thinks the big explosion is God's way of saying "sure pal".
Anyways, my mod idea is basically, The lizards vs. the world. But only ONE victory condition, conquest. If ya play the lizards, well, defeat EVERYONE. If ya play anyone else, you could break the story of the book i suppose, or you could defeat the lizards, and go back to WW2. but then again, defeating the lizards shouldnt be an amazingly easy task, as they have modern armor, mech infantry, nukes, and jet aircraft, where as everyone else has only JUST gotten into the modern era. (cept the Chinese, they need to be a slight bit backwards)
The factions would have to be.
4:China (made more primative than the others)
this one was kinda hard to pick...) India (starts with amazingly high culture, i dunno, Ghandi gives the lizards problems in the book, but not in a military way......)
Now, here are the tricks i need in the mod, that may not make it work well. I donno, im hoping some modders will be able to help me out here...
1:Need to start with a game that has just reached the modern era, with one faction already finnished all their techs, and 1 faction only halfway through industrial era
2: Need to have all the units already working and stuff, as if world war 2 is being fought. Ya know, german forces pushin into Russia, USA/Japan naval war... that kinda thing
3: Lizards can't produce ANYTHING. Can only work with what they start with. (basically, i guess i mean i want them to be in Anarchy mode)
4:A great chance for both the USA and Germany to be able to get nukes pretty damn quickly, and whenever they use a nuke, the lizards use one back. I know the latter may be impossible tho. But, i dunno, they have ICBM's...
Any reflections. If anyone has read this Harry Turtledove series, i would LOVE to chat it up with ya, or get feedback, or whatever.
Peace, love, and praise the spirits of Emperor's past
Its 1942. The world is at war. America is starting its pacific war. Soviets and the Nazi's are goin at it. England has fought off the luftwafte.
And then, THEY arive. Who are THEY? An extra-terrestrial group that call themselves "The Race", but are better known to humans as "The Lizzards". In a civ 3 view of things, they have all the techs that came with the game.
The Lizzards land their own alpha centauri type ships on various places around the planet. Atleast one in North America, one in China, One in west Russia, one in France, probably a few more too. They rapidly expand from their landing points to conquer a very sizable portion of the world. But they have two major problems. 1: They have what they have, and when they run out of that, they're done. and 2: They dispize change, or surprises. So they don't advance in tech, and they rarely do anything different from what they normally do.
Anyways, they have some awesome troops, and they're fighting against a world thats already in the biggest war ever. All the big war mongering countries, USSR, Germany, England, America, Japan, they all become alies to fight off the aliens. The only human group to actually ally with the aliens are the polish jews, who think they are god's way of saving them from the extermination camps of the nazis (this has something to do with one of the jews praying for a savior of some kind, and the lizards detonating a nuke way high up (where no one gets hurt)... so the jew guy thinks the big explosion is God's way of saying "sure pal".
Anyways, my mod idea is basically, The lizards vs. the world. But only ONE victory condition, conquest. If ya play the lizards, well, defeat EVERYONE. If ya play anyone else, you could break the story of the book i suppose, or you could defeat the lizards, and go back to WW2. but then again, defeating the lizards shouldnt be an amazingly easy task, as they have modern armor, mech infantry, nukes, and jet aircraft, where as everyone else has only JUST gotten into the modern era. (cept the Chinese, they need to be a slight bit backwards)
The factions would have to be.
4:China (made more primative than the others)

Now, here are the tricks i need in the mod, that may not make it work well. I donno, im hoping some modders will be able to help me out here...
1:Need to start with a game that has just reached the modern era, with one faction already finnished all their techs, and 1 faction only halfway through industrial era
2: Need to have all the units already working and stuff, as if world war 2 is being fought. Ya know, german forces pushin into Russia, USA/Japan naval war... that kinda thing
3: Lizards can't produce ANYTHING. Can only work with what they start with. (basically, i guess i mean i want them to be in Anarchy mode)
4:A great chance for both the USA and Germany to be able to get nukes pretty damn quickly, and whenever they use a nuke, the lizards use one back. I know the latter may be impossible tho. But, i dunno, they have ICBM's...
Any reflections. If anyone has read this Harry Turtledove series, i would LOVE to chat it up with ya, or get feedback, or whatever.
Peace, love, and praise the spirits of Emperor's past
