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More Qs about armies

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  • More Qs about armies

    Hi all. It's been great reading you guys.

    I'm using armies, and I have 2 questions:

    1. How do you remove a unit from an army? I want to take the rifleman out of my Cav/Rifleman army, but I can't figure it out.

    2. Why can't armies loaded with troops get onto my Galleons? Is it because both the army and the Galleon are containers?

    Your help is appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: More Qs about armies

    Originally posted by JBWhong
    Hi all. It's been great reading you guys.

    I'm using armies, and I have 2 questions:

    1. How do you remove a unit from an army? I want to take the rifleman out of my Cav/Rifleman army, but I can't figure it out.

    2. Why can't armies loaded with troops get onto my Galleons? Is it because both the army and the Galleon are containers?

    Your help is appreciated.
    You can't remove a unit from an Army. Once it's in, it's there to stay. And for some reason you can't seem to load an Army onto a transport, I'm not really sure why.


    • #3
      And for some reason you can't seem to load an Army onto a transport, I'm not really sure why.
      Grr. What a pisser. Can I load an empty army into a transport, and then load the other units into the army on the other continent?


      • #4
        To tell you the truth I don't really know. I only came across that problem myself a short while ago, and I haven't experimented enough to know for sure. I'm guessing not though. For some reason they've placed a lot of restrictions on using the Army unit, so it wouldn't surprise me if they added that one as well.


        • #5
          Can I load an empty army into a transport, and then load the other units into the army on the other continent?
          I just tried it. It is possible. I'm beginning to wonder if armies are worth it. They heal too slowly, and they move more slowly than they would without being so grouped. But hey, get enough of them and you can build the pentagon.


          • #6
            Originally posted by JBWhong

            I just tried it. It is possible. I'm beginning to wonder if armies are worth it. They heal too slowly, and they move more slowly than they would without being so grouped. But hey, get enough of them and you can build the pentagon.
            Not the way they're implented now, no. And I really don't understand it frankly. I've changed my game so I can build Armies right off the bat and I like it much better that way. The less units I move around the map, the more I can focus on the game.


            • #7
              I had that same problem, loading armies on a ship, but what I found is that the Army counts for one (1) unit, plus each unit in the army counts for one (1) unit, thus, if you have an army with three (3) units in it it will count for four (4) total units, and that will take up all the available space on a Galleon. I can only assume that an army containing 4 troops counts for 5 spaces on a transport, and can only be carried by Transports.


              • #8

                i am kinda confused! the civlopedia says that to build an army, you first must have a successful army. i am in desperate need of help building my first army. how do i get a leader for an army if I first must have a successful army?


                • #9
                  i am kinda confused! the civlopedia says that to build an army, you first must have a successful army. i am in desperate need of help building my first army. how do i get a leader for an army if I first must have a successful army?
                  aye, there's the rub.

                  you'll just have to build up a bunch of elite troops and have fun practicing blitzkrieg. :/

                  or edit the civ3mod.bic
                  it's just my opinion. can you dig it?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pauli
                    or edit the civ3mod.bic
                    Just uncheck the 'requires a victorious army' flag for the military academy, start a new game and research military tradition. Voila!
                    "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                    • #11
                      And if you really want Armies badly, convert your Palace to a Small wonder that allows you to build Armies without a leader.

                      Of course you'll have to start a brand new game if did that though.


                      • #12
                        Re: ARMIES

                        Originally posted by lorddread
                        i am kinda confused! the civlopedia says that to build an army, you first must have a successful army. i am in desperate need of help building my first army. how do i get a leader for an army if I first must have a successful army?
                        There's an excellent thread with the stats and tips on this over at the strategy forum...'leader strategies' is the thread IIRC.


                        • #13
                          Re: ARMIES

                          Originally posted by lorddread
                          i am kinda confused! the civlopedia says that to build an army, you first must have a successful army. i am in desperate need of help building my first army. how do i get a leader for an army if I first must have a successful army?
                          After reading that thread again I figure there's a good chance you're hopelessly confused by now. You don't need an army to get a Leader, you need any type of Elite unit who wins a battle against another civ. Barbarians don't count. During the battle there's a 1/16 chance of a Leader appearing, so I've read, with a 1/12 chance if you have the Heroic Epic built. Once you get a Leader, you can take him to a city and have him create an Army unit, or he can rush a wonder you are building.

                          You're probably thinking about the Military Academy, which lets you build an Army without a Leader. That requires that you have had a successful Army.

