Originally posted by MisManager
My objection is this: I understand war-weariness, happiness, etc. I am taking steps to control them. HOWEVER, in NO CITY are there more unhappy people than happy people. I have MANAGED happiness effectively - people are content. There is no disorder anywhere. Yet, I'm back in anarchy.
My objection is this: I understand war-weariness, happiness, etc. I am taking steps to control them. HOWEVER, in NO CITY are there more unhappy people than happy people. I have MANAGED happiness effectively - people are content. There is no disorder anywhere. Yet, I'm back in anarchy.
A good real life example would be the Vietnam War. The protests and discontent against it kept growing and growing, until the US administration had no choice but to end the war. It was either that or face escalating civil disorder. It's either victory abroad or peace at home, you can't always have both.