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Diplomacy.txt quick tutorial

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  • Diplomacy.txt quick tutorial

    This was requested at CivFanatics, posting it here as well for your reference:

    Diplomacy.txt is what drives the text displayed in diplomacy dialogs. It's a plain text file, no formatting. Comments are denoted by semicolons.

    The file is broken into sections which correspond to specific game conditions. Each section begins with a #LABEL which denotes the game condition we're describing. Generally the labels are self-explanatory, but if you come across one you're not sure about, let me know and I'll try to find out what it's for.

    This label is followed by four control lines, each starting with a # sign, which tell the game how to parse the section. The order of these lines is important as well, because it determines how the strings are organized / sorted.

    I'll explain each control line in order:

    #civ (0 or 1) - if true (1), this means the strings are grouped by and correspond to each civ in the game. If this is true you should multiply the total number of strings you need to create by sixteen. The order corresponds to the position of the civ in the BIC file (see the editor to figure this out). If this is false (0), the value of the #random control line (see below) should be set to true (1).

    #power (0 or 1) - if true (1), the strings are next grouped by relative civ power. There are three possible values (in order): more powerful, equal power, and less powerful. This will triple the number of required strings. If you are sorting by civ, this means you'll need three power-based strings per civ.

    #mood (0 or 1) - if true (1), the strings are next grouped by the speaking civ's mood (attititude) towards the other civ. There are three possible values (in order): happy with, indifferent, and angry with. This will triple the number of required strings. If you are sorting by civ, this means you'll need three mood-based strings per civ. If you are also sorting by power, you'd need three mood strings per power string, and three power strings per civ.

    #random (1 - ??) - perhaps this value is better thought of as "numchoices" because that's what it really determines: how many choices the computer can pick from, per civ, power, and/or mood.

    A quick formula to determine how many choices you're going to use is like this:

    total number of lines = (16 * #civ) * (3 if #power == true) * (3 if #mood == true) * #random

    And as mentioned before, the order of those control lines is important, because they're hierarchical starting from the top, i.e.:

    _ | random 1
    | mood + | random 2
    | |_ random 3
    | _
    _ | | random 1'
    C | power >| mood ~ | random 2'
    i | | |_ random 3'
    v | | _
    i | | | random 1"
    l | |_ mood - | random 2"
    i | |_ random 3"
    z | _
    a | _ | random 1
    t | | mood + | random 2
    i | | |_ random 3
    o | | _
    n | | | random 1'
    | power =| mood ~ | random 2'
    1 | | |_ random 3'
    | | _
    | | | random 1"
    | |_mood - | random 2"
    | |_ random 3"
    | power < ...

    C |
    i |
    v |
    2 |
    . |
    . |
    . |_

    Replacement Strings are variables denoted by a dollar sign
    (e.g., $LEADER0) which can be used in your strings. Each block of text should have a commented out list of recognized strings that you can use. DO NOT TRY TO USE DIFFERENT REPLACEMENT STRINGS in other text blocks as they will not work and could crash the game.

    So let's look at an example:

    #civ 0
    #power 0
    #mood 1
    #random 1
    "Please accept this gift as a token of friendship and goodwill."
    "I offer you this gift as a token of goodwill."
    "Accept this gift as a token of goodwill."

    #USERGIFT denotes that this is a new block, and we can surmise that it's called on when the user decides to give a gift to the AI.

    #civ 0 tells us not to worry about sorting by civ.

    #power 0 tells us not to worry about sorting by power.

    #mood 1 tells us we are sorting by mood, which means we will have 3 choices times the number of random choices.

    #random 1 tells us there is only one random choice per player mood.

    So, we end up with three choices, one if the human player has good relations with the AI it's gifting to, the next if it's somewhat indifferent, and the last if it doesn't have such a good friendly relationship.

    Hopefully this helps explain it, the best way to really see what I've explained is to pop open diplomacy.txt and give it a whirl.


    Edit: fixed formula

    Last edited by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS; January 29, 2002, 20:33.
    Dan Magaha
    Firaxis Games, Inc.

  • #2
    Thanks, this really look useful.

    One question. Is the dublicate strings duplicated at position, or at groups.

    (Will you enter one full set, then the next full set and so on, or will you enter the multiplie options together with the other options for the same thing?)
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      I think it depends on what control options you use, start with civs and work down to random.

      It makes a lot more sense when you are looking at diplomacy.txt and can see what's going on..

      Dan Magaha
      Firaxis Games, Inc.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
        I think it depends on what control options you use, start with civs and work down to random.

        It makes a lot more sense when you are looking at diplomacy.txt and can see what's going on..

        I guess it does. Time for a reebote then to get enough free memory to start notepad/wordpad.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          I've a little hard to figure out how the Civs are made, but the moods are made first mode random times, second mode random times and third mode random times. The power is also sorted this way, so I guess how the civs are as well, but I'm not 100% sure.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            OFF TOPIC (sorry)
            Dan, that's the funniest freakin' website I think I've ever seen...
            "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


            • #7
              Oh my god your right that page is freakin funny, your comment made me curious and geez. I think the world is coming to an end.....


              • #8
                This is very cool. Very cool indeed.

                Will I be served a summons if I make everyone speak another language and make this available online?

                "I am Misantropos, and hate Mankinde."
                - Timon of Athens
                "I know you all."
                - Prince Hal


                • #9
                  SO that's why diplomacy blows in this game.


                  • #10
                    For editing uber txt files like diplomacy.txt, this utility might be of some use.

                    There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Dan, can the strings in the Diplo text file, be able to use other languages other then English, and support for different word endings and such?
                        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                        • #13
                          Sounds interesting . . . if I ever dare mess around with it. One quick question about "Power" if this is turned on, does that mean more favourable trades for the more powerful Civ?
                          You sunk my Scrableship!


                          • #14
                            Where is the Dummy Version?

                            Do you have a Dummy version of the instructions?

                            All I want to do is insert some diplomacy text reflective of the Civs I have just added. Guess I just have to focus (takes out a cup of coffee, big sip... ok... I can figure it out- just put my mind to it)

                            I know my problem, I'm not getting paid,.. show me the money and my focus will be lazer sharp!

                            Any positions open there Mike???
                            TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
                            TETurkhan Strategy Thread - Discuss ways to play the mod
                            [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]


                            • #15
                              Need Help

                              I added 19 civs to game using the current editor, so when you go to the menu you get 19 choices but can only play with 16. All good so far... but once the game starts everything seems to work alright except the diplomcay..

                              When I in the diplomacy screen, instead of just seeing what the other side is saying I get some programing stuff too: ; Mediterraneans = AI's people (ADJ)

                              also the foreign advisor screen is all messed up, the ICons are all mixed? - got Mao's icon for English that sort of thing...

                              Can anyone pls help out, the mod is done finally except for this prob.. not sure if its cause I have 19 civs or somethign else..
                              TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
                              TETurkhan Strategy Thread - Discuss ways to play the mod
                              [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]

