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files forum and end date

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  • files forum and end date

    I'm a registered user and I haven't been banned from anything, but I can't post threads on the files forum. Why? Also, the reason i wanted to post a thread was to ask someone to make a hack so the end date could be eliminated. I hate the end date. Why do they have it? I can't build any modern units before then. If someone disagrees with me, look at the poll. As I'm writing this I am sure which way it'll go (don't worry, I won't vote more than once, and I haven't edited this post at all).

    The poll is: Is the end date a good idea for Civ 3?
    The first option is yes, the second is no.
    "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  • #2
    Re: files forum and end date

    Originally posted by johncmcleod
    I'm a registered user and I haven't been banned from anything, but I can't post threads on the files forum. Why? Also, the reason i wanted to post a thread was to ask someone to make a hack so the end date could be eliminated. I hate the end date. Why do they have it? I can't build any modern units before then. If someone disagrees with me, look at the poll. As I'm writing this I am sure which way it'll go (don't worry, I won't vote more than once, and I haven't edited this post at all).

    The poll is: Is the end date a good idea for Civ 3?
    The first option is yes, the second is no.
    You can't post in files, as it only is for finished files. And all files will be moved there from creation, wher requests also should be posted.

    As for the end date you can modify the timeline of a save using my copy tool (yes I will rename it to reflect all other functions then copy).
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      copy tool

      which copy tool do you mean? The CPT or the C3CT? and where's the C3CT? I tried to look for C3CT, but I couldn't find it.
      "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


      • #4
        I forgot something

        I forgot to say something in my last reply. Could those who think the end date is a good idea, could you tell me why? And Gamphos, does editing this timeline require knowledge of C++? I don't know how to program.
        "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


        • #5
          No, you don't need C know ledge, and ti is C3CT, tht soon will be named C3MT
          It is in a thread named Civ3CopyTool - A thread for the program.
          It has a savegame editor, that you will have to use with each game you start..
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            End dates are a good idea.

            1) They push the otherwise medocre player into improving themselves to beat the game before said end date. I've seen a number of people post messages saying even on the two easiest levels that can't beat the game before the end date. Part of the strategy of the game is effeicency and turn advantage.

            2) In the event of a stalemate it provides finality by using score as the deciding factor. The score takes into account your entire game performance.

            I like the idea of a built in option for game length. That way players can adjust it to be longer or shorter as they see fit. Even on some of the medium levels, shortening the game can provide an added challenege.

