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Help, Civ3 keeps crashing at the same point!

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  • Help, Civ3 keeps crashing at the same point!

    I have attached the saved game which keeps crashing on me.

    As soon as i click end turn and the Americans declare war on the Iroquois i get Civ3.exe has caused a fault blah, blah, blah.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as i would love to finish just ONE game.

    Even if someone could just verify that the crash happens on their pute too!?

    /pissed off

    By the way my system is:
    256 RAM
    Geforce 2MMX (most recent drivers)
    Athlon 1GHz
    Attached Files

  • #2
    You should always put your computers vital stats in a post like this (operating system, chip Mhz, video card etc) It helps to corner problems. Also, have you check Direct X to make sure all drivers have been updated/compatible. I re-installed Direct X after I got several "Invalid Page Fault.." errors. You might try that.


    • #3
      um... i did put in my vital statistics!?

      anyways, i will try reinstalling directx and see what happens...


      • #4
        I had a similar problem in Alpha Centauri. When the turns got long enough and complicated enough, the game would freeze during the computer's moves at the same exact turn every time. The game would also lock up when I finished a particular late-game tech. The solution was to turn thehardware acceleration for my sound down a notch, and turn off an EAX setting in the config file. Try lowering your hardwar acceleration settings and see if that helps.


        • #5
          crashes for me too.

          btw, i gotta say your game looks NEAT. the map (both small one and the main screen) look a hell of a lot more colorful than mine ever do

          that said, i don't think i could play on a map that small and packed. i need lebensraum.
          it's just my opinion. can you dig it?

