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MAP: A standard earth map, with correct starting locations
Thank you for this map with correct starting locations! I guess a map like this will be included in the next patch/x-pack, but who knows when that will be released... I hope they'll include the possiblity to create flat maps as well.
The only drawback of your map I have noticed so far is that historically correct starting positions tend to unbalance the game somewhat, since some civs start on far better spots than others (for example, the Aztecs could have the Americas for themselves, while the Romans would have to compete with the Greeks, English, Germans and French for western Europe). However, this can generally be prevented by selecting the civs carefully.
Good work!
The historical starting locations are a bit unbalanced I admit, Europe can be very crowded whereas the Iroquois always seem to do really well, (I don't play with the Americans on the map).
There isn't really anything you can do about this, although if you are in Europe and play co-operatively with the other Civs then that may be good?? I don't know though, I haven't played a European power yet, I'll be the English next time though, out of Patriotism of course, and to see if it's fair to them. (Both the English and the Japanese can have the iron works in their capital as a reward for being stuck on a tiny island. That's got a Cultural victory for the Japanese from wonder production power alone, it's quite powerful).
Maybe I should give the Romans their legion unit earlier, or make sure that they can get Iron working very early on... as they seem to do very badly out of the European's.
ps. Carlampio, you have used the CPT program that came with the zip file haven't you??? it you have, then you must have been victim of a bug, which shoule now be fixed, so you should probably try again now.
doesn't work w/1.17f
I really like this map with correct starting locations,
but with the v1.17f patch it doesn't work anymore.
I follow your "guide" in the readme (save a game as fix.sav, open CPT, locate fix.sav, locate placement file, save as fixed.sav)
But when i try to open the new fixed.sav it can't open it, i even tried again and civ3 crashed.
I hope you (maybe gramphos) can fix it to work with 1.17f, because i like this map.
thanksTry my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests
The new iPod nano: nano
sorry, caps lock on, don't havve timer to edit it.Creator of the Civ3MultiTool
Hi Hagbart et al.,
Gramphos has fixed his CPT to work with v1.17f, so I've updated the .zip file to include the new version.
Haven't tested it yet myself, but am just aobut to start a new game. So it should work.
Hope so, trying to load the fixed.sav was crashing my Civ3 too...
Do you?
I thought the problem was more to do with CPT needing some changes to be compatable with the 1.17 patch. With new version of CPT it seems to work fine for me. (that was after I'd loaded the and saved the map once already though, so I wouldn't be able to tell either way).
1.17f uses the same BIC verion as 1.16f, so that shouldn't be a problem.Creator of the Civ3MultiTool
Just wanted to note that CPT is updated for 1.21f, so you should update this file.Creator of the Civ3MultiTool
I did as I was told to in readme file. But when I try to open the fixed.exe It gives me some error like "can not open the file". And when I check the size of fixed.exe it shos 0 KB.
I use the latest pach 1.21f.
Is the map file which I downloaded from most up of this thread updated for 1.21f or do I have to update it somewhere else as Gramphos told below???