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Modern Game of Civ...

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  • Modern Game of Civ...

    Right, well, I have an aim for a part-mod. I want to change all the civilizations in the game and reowkr them from scratch. I'm coming from the "31 best and strongest countries in the world at teh moment" perspective. So, I have the civilizations I want, I just need to make sure I have up-to-date information regarding leaders. The list of nations (in alphabetical order) and their leaders is:

    Afghanistan - Osama Bin Laden (I know he's wrong, but I don't know who the real leader is...)
    Argentina - Carlos Menem
    Australia - John Howard (seeing as Elizabeth II is an English Queen)
    Brazil - Fernando Henrique Cardoso
    Canada - Jean Chretien
    China - Jiang Zemin
    Colombia - Ernesto Samper Pizano
    Croatia - Zlatko Matesa
    England - Tony Blair
    France - Jacques Chirac
    Germany - Helmut Kohl
    Greece - Costas Simitis
    Holland (The Netherlands) - Wim Kok
    India - Atal Beharee Vajpayee
    Iran - Seyyed Mohammed Khatani
    Iraq - Saddam Hussein
    Ireland (Republic of) - Bertie Ahern (I hate to admit but I don't know this one, I think he's wrong)
    Israel - Yassir Arafat
    Italy - Romano Prodi
    Japan - Emperor Akihito
    Mexico - Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon
    Nigeria - Sani Abacha
    Norway - Harald V
    Poland - Alexander Kwasniewski
    Russia - Vladimir Putin
    South Africa - Nelson Mandela
    Spain - Juan Carlos I
    Sweden - Goran Persson
    Turkey - Necmettin Erbakan
    USA - George W Bush
    Yugoslavia - Slobodan Milosevic

    That's all of them. Now, I know a few of them are wrong/outdated for fact, because my encyclopedia is a few years old now. Such as Nelson Mandela for example. All help is very useful.

    Also, remember that this list is my own opinion (based on no factual knowledge whatsoever) of the strongest countries. Amongst contention to replace countries are:

    Austria - Thomas Kletsil
    Switzerland - Arnald Koller
    *other African countries* - I haven't got a great knowledge of the stronger countries of these you see...

    Those that are up for possible replacement:

    Nigeria (?)
    Croatia (?)

    Any suggestions are welcome, as long as they are a true belief. I don't want to be told, for example, that Mali have a strong military and are a strong force if they aren't. Also, there is another query.

    The 32nd Civilization...

    Meaning the Barbarians. These are of course, along with my theme, now re-named "Terrorist Networks." This is my bigger difficulty. I am needing great help in finding out who the 80 (or so) biggest terrorist networks in the world are. I don't care where they are from, be it well organised Mafia organisations, the Al Quaida (sp?) network, or ravaging African tribes. In this area of my problem, any suggestions will be even more helpful. Also, I don't mind if the terrorists are from a country already represented in my Civ game.

    e.g. A terrorist network from Italy? That's fine. Even if the Italians are a nation in my game. Without wanting to sound lazy, I really do not know where I can find this information, so I've turned to you guys.

    Thanks a lot in advance...

    You can also e-mail me at if you want as well

  • #2
    Instead of correcting your list (I'm sorry to tell you, but most of the leaders are outdated), I'll tell you about this site where you can find all you need:


    • #3
      I look forward to your power "mod". Looking at the list, I see 1 area of the world thats largely ignored -- asia. Countries like Korea, India & Pakistan should probably make the cut. This is especialy true when you consider that they are "all" nuclear powers and at least forces to be reckoned with.


      • #4
        Its an interesting idea!
        Try this page:

        for a list of US recognised active terrorist groups. However, the problem with terrorists is that they mostly come from the same area of the world with similar greivences. A few exceptions are ETA (Spain), REAL IRA (UK), FARC(Columbia) and Aum Shinrikyo (Japan). For other countries you may have to use examples from recent history such as Bhaader Meinhoff (sp?) in Germany and FLN (France/Algeria).
        I hope this helps!


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies, and website directions. My encyclopedia is from 1997 (I think) which is why most of the leaders are outdated. India are in the game however, the Koreas are not. Perhaps North Korea would be worth an addition, at the sacrifice of Croatia...

          As for the terrorists, I would prefer to keep it strictly up-to-date, but if worse comes to worse recent networks (last decade or so?) will be fine.


          • #6
            colombia leader

            Colombia's current President is Andrés Pastrana.

            Colombia the country has no 'u' in it, unlike Columbia in North American usage, e.g. Columbia River, District of Columbia, etc.


            • #7
              Don't ever go to Israel and mention that Arafat is their leader, you'll be lynched on the spot. He's the Palestinian leader.


              • #8
                Re: Modern Game of Civ...

                Originally posted by CrazyOldBear
                Austria - Thomas Kletsil
                The correct name of Austria's current president: Thomas Klestil.
                "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                • #9
                  Re: Modern Game of Civ...

                  Originally posted by CrazyOldBear
                  Germany - Helmut Kohl
                  Turkey - Necmettin Erbakan
                  These ones are outdated, Chancelor of Germany is Gerhard Schroeder and prime minister of Turkey is Buelent Ecevit.

                  Also I have realised you are using the heads of the governments(i.e. prime ministers) and not chiefs of state (i.e. presidents); wouldn't the chiefs of state more realistic?

