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Making contact with "third party" Civs ??

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  • Making contact with "third party" Civs ??

    I've read in succession games that once you've made contact with a civ that you can request that they put you in contact with another civ that you've not met yet. I've now finished my last game, having met everyone the hard way and I've started a new game - standard map. Early contact with a Russian scout didn't provide an option to trade techs for contact with another civ anywhere on the diplomacy screen.

    How do I find this option and is there a pre-requiste tech requirement ? Could somebody help as I'm unable to find details of this in the manual or strategy guide.

  • #2
    You need the Writing technology. You'll see a "Communications" list then in the diplomacy screen, when you contact a foreign leader and he knows somebody you don't. Or you know a civ he hasn't met yet. You can trade communications, but it may cost a few bucks. It will cost a LOT if the contact is at another continent and you aren't yet technically able to get there (i.e. lack Astronomy/Navigation/Magnetism).


    • #3
      Writing !!!!

      Thanks very much for the info, you're a gent.

      This will no doubt make me change the way I approach the tech tree from now on.


