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Patch date (late game crash fix)

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  • Patch date (late game crash fix)

    Any news on when the "second" patch will be upcoming?
    I'm one of those that experience the crashes after many turns, and hopefully I will be able to continue all my saved games that I have unfinnished due to this bug. (Which will be fixed, so I've heard)

    Democracy: The right to complain about the fact that they won't let you do whatever you feel like.

  • #2
    I have not seen nor heard anything on an upcoming patch but keeping in line with the last patch saved games will probably be playable but will not reflect most of the changes made.
    I came, I saw, I got whooped....


    • #3
      Any word on when a patch is coming out?

      I'm another one who has the same problem with games crashing as soon as they get relatively developed. I was researching Education when the last game crashed.

      Is the fact that even the useless "news" thing on the official Civ3 website hasn't been updated since December a bad sign?
      Fear not the path of truth for the lack of others walking it.


      • #4
        patch date info forthcoming?

        i emailed some techies at firaxis today. i asked them about my midgame crash problem, and when the next patch was coming. and whether it will address this issue. if i hear from them via email, ill be sure to post it on this thread.


        • #5
          Check this thread out. As far as I can tell, this is the closest to info from Firaxis yet (read down to reply from Jeff Morris).

          Inquiry for Firaxis personnel

          In all fairness, they would be crazy to say when they expect the next patch out. If they didn't meet that date they would be burned in effigy by some of the more rabid posters on the forum. This was the same way things went on another game forum that I was a beta-tester on.

