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Tutorial: How to create a convincing new unit animation (By Dark Sheer)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Wise Ass
    "The only dumb question is one you don't ask!"
    ~Every teacher I've ever had :roll:
    I bet teachers are regretting that when it comes to grade 10 science and you have a major druggie who should be in remedial, but is really in academic science. *Ahem* Allow me to explain: during a test "What's a proton?"; during a major test "What's a vector?" And these are all spoken with sincere ignorance.

    Let's just say he failed miserably (~20%)


    • #17
      Thank you, Dark Sheer,

      I was hoping that someone would discover the "how to" and share it with the rest of we meer mortals...

      Very respectfully,

      Jerry Sindle
      Very respectfully,



      • #18
        What programs do you use to create units like your Bandit?


        • #19
          Originally posted by chriss
          What in the name of Sid Meier is a "totorial" ?
          In how many threads and how many times has Gramphos butchered how many languages? Only Gramphos, MarkG, and good ol Ming will EVER truly know.

          classified. It should never have leaked to the public now I'll have to erase your memory so that you won't know of the existence of the word t*******.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #20
            Well, I can look at the unit's file with Paint Shop Pro 7. Don't know if I can make them or save them.

            120 frames for a unit. But I was thinking that if I wanted to change the graphic, and call it a new unit, then maybe I could. Actually the unit's movement graphics are a Autodesk type graphic, but I think that program costs an arm and a leg.

            So, Paint Shop Pro 7, patched to 7.04 may work. I should work with it more, and really see, but..........time back to report in a couple of days if I think that it can!!

            Probably can somehow, even if changing the already existing graphic to some other picture that fits in one of the 120 frames for the unit, and saving it as something else. Have to experiment!!


            • #21
              Actually I should have said that the Animation Shop 3 part of the total Paint Shop Pro 7 package, is what one uses to view all the frames of the unit graphic.

              Animation Shop 3 part of the graphics program - Paint Shop Pro 7.

              Excusa mea!


              • #22
                Tutorial looks fine, but it will be a quite a bit of work to make a unit!!


                • #23

                  I use the PSP 7.0 animation shop and when ever I edit andexisting unit the file I create won't be read by Civ3 and the game crashes.

                  Its saved as a flc but is there some other options I have to select to make it readable? Could someone give me some dumbed down instructions please?
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #24

                    FORGIVE MY IDIOCY, BUT I have no idea how to make a .flc file. What different software can I use? I have now only Windows Paint, which I have a feeling won't get the job done.

                    Seriously, someone please help Mr. Fool here out. I have many great ideas for scenarios, and I want to get started actually >making< them.

                    Also: can someone help me out with "Leaderheads"?

                    Seriously, I could spend days doing this stuff, if I just knew HOW!

                    Merci bien...
                    You can't fight in here! This is the WAR room!


                    • #25
                      can anyone help me figure out flicster and storyboard builder if so please e mail me and let me know Click here
                      HE WHO SPEAKS WITH HORSES


                      • #26
                        HELP US!!!! please...
                        You can't fight in here! This is the WAR room!


                        • #27
                          I just dl'd FLICster and havent had a chance to play around with it as i didnt have civ on this machine and didnt know you had to edit a file to make a new one so ive only had a glance at it. Anyway. I was wondering if anyone knows if you can paste into it? Ive got some great ships and units designed in Dogal3 and wanted to edit renders and use em as units for a mod.

                          Anyone know if this is possible?
                          Trying to build a Space Civ mod....


                          • #28
                            Yes you can paste in to the storyboards, look in the tutorial link in my signature to see how I did it.

                            There are also other tutorials and a more active moding comunity at Civfanatics, there is also a progam better then FLICster called Civ3FlcEdit.
                            Last edited by Level; December 23, 2004, 05:59.
                            Was gone for two years, I'm back now.
                            in a 3D world is there a difference between these: b d q p | / - \
                            3D Unit tutorial
                            My units: MechWalker,Rocket soldier,Hover Tank,Crawler,Hover Copter


                            • #29
                              hmmmm thats alot of writing..........13 pages
                              lol but it helped alot thx

