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Laodable Cruise Missiles

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  • Laodable Cruise Missiles

    First off, lets make this clear, I am a Civ3 Editor newbie.
    My question is, what is the best way of giving an Aegis Cruiser the ability to carry and launch Cruise Missiles using the Civ3 Editor?
    I did not see any 'enable' button for any unit to carry a cruise missile. I considered taking the Nuke flag off of the Tactical Nuke, giving it the same bombardment stats as the cruise missle.
    Is the a good way of going about it?
    Hmm, would enemy SDI intercept my nuke-less Tactical Missile?

  • #2
    To do this you'll need to modify both the cruise missile and the AEGIS cruiser.

    Cruise Missile: Toggle the "Tactical Missile" and the "Footsoldier" flags on. Tick the "Load" unit order obx.

    AEGIS Cruiser: Set the number of holds to the desired amount (2 works for me).

    Toggle the "Can carry Tactical Missiles" and "Carry footsoldiers only" flags. Tick the "Unload" unit order box and the "Naval Missile Transport" role boxes.

    You can now carry Cruise missiles on both Nuclear subs and AEGIS cruisers, without allowing AEGIS cruisers to carry nukes. I don't know if enemy SDIs will shoot down cruise missiles under these changes, cool if it did though.

    (There was a thread about this a week or two ago...."Cruise Missile Tweaks" or some such. Some ideas for converting the cruise missile into an air unit were kicked around, I haven't tried them out yet. )

    Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
    I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


    • #3
      Ok, thanks a million.
      As I said, I am just starting out and it is all new to me, would have taken me days to figure out all the boxes I would have to have checked to make this work.
      Ok, now for a really newbie question.
      Once I am in the editor, and I uncheck Use Default Rules and make all my changes, how do I start a game that will apply my new rules?
      I saved this Mod as Missile Boat when I was prompted to save before exiting.
      I am just not sure how to make all this take effect.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thoth
        To do this you'll need to modify both the cruise missile and the AEGIS cruiser.

        Cruise Missile: Toggle the "Tactical Missile" and the "Footsoldier" flags on. Tick the "Load" unit order obx.

        AEGIS Cruiser: Set the number of holds to the desired amount (2 works for me).

        Toggle the "Can carry Tactical Missiles" and "Carry footsoldiers only" flags. Tick the "Unload" unit order box and the "Naval Missile Transport" role boxes.

        You can now carry Cruise missiles on both Nuclear subs and AEGIS cruisers, without allowing AEGIS cruisers to carry nukes. I don't know if enemy SDIs will shoot down cruise missiles under these changes, cool if it did though.

        (There was a thread about this a week or two ago...."Cruise Missile Tweaks" or some such. Some ideas for converting the cruise missile into an air unit were kicked around, I haven't tried them out yet. )

        So can you launch the missiles from the AEGIS, or is it just a transport? Thanks for the info BTW. Don't know why they didn't allow that in the first place.


        • #5
          Venge: To play your mod, select "Load Scenario" from the opening game screen and double click on "Missile Boat". You can also save your changes as Civ3Mod.bic to make them your default rules set. BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL COPY FIRST.

          Willem: Yes you can launch from ship, but you have to manually select the cruise missile (right click on the AEGIS cruiser, then click on the cruise missile).
          Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
          I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


          • #6
            Originally posted by Thoth
            Willem: Yes you can launch from ship, but you have to manually select the cruise missile (right click on the AEGIS cruiser, then click on the cruise missile).
            Thanks. Have you noticed whether the AI is using them the same way, or will I end up with another UU? Not that it matters, I'm just curious. Another thing, can you target aircraft with the Cruise Missiles? If I just asked a stupid question forgive me. I haven't reached the modern era yet so I don't quite know how these new aircraft rules works yet. I'm still thinking in terms of a Bomber having to wait outside a city until the next turn, before it can return to base.


            • #7
              I tried this, and think its pretty cool (it gives me a reason to build AEGIS ships ). I only found one problem, and it was only a personal preference problem (I get lots of those ). I thought that the cruise missile was a little short for ship to land bombardment, so I doubled the range of the missile from 2 to 4, I think this is a very good improvement IMO.
              I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


              • #8
                Cool idea, I just may add that extra range my next game


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willem

                  Thanks. Have you noticed whether the AI is using them the same way, or will I end up with another UU? Not that it matters, I'm just curious. Another thing, can you target aircraft with the Cruise Missiles? If I just asked a stupid question forgive me. I haven't reached the modern era yet so I don't quite know how these new aircraft rules works yet. I'm still thinking in terms of a Bomber having to wait outside a city until the next turn, before it can return to base.
                  I don't know if the AI will use them or not, I haven't taken a game that far with this mod yet.

                  You cannot target aircraft with cruise missiles. Bombers no longer spend time outside a city, they fly their strikes and return to the city they're based in. It should make more sense once you've had a chance to play with air power.
                  Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                  I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thoth
                    It should make more sense once you've had a chance to play with air power.
                    I think someone's going to have to take my editor away before that happens! Lordy, a month now and I still haven't made it past the Middle Ages! I keep thinking up new ideas and having to start over. I really, really, really would like a cheat mode to test some of these things.


                    • #11
                      You could always set the tech and resource requirements to nil. It's what I do when I want to try out a unit change. It won't tell you how well it works, but it will tell you if it works.
                      Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                      I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Thoth
                        You could always set the tech and resource requirements to nil. It's what I do when I want to try out a unit change. It won't tell you how well it works, but it will tell you if it works.
                        Yes I know I can do that, but then you can't really see it in the context of the game. Besides, the game doesn't like having things added mid stream, so everytime I come up with a new idea, I have to start from scratch. Oh well, I'm gradually getting there. I think!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thoth
                          To do this you'll need to modify both the cruise missile and the AEGIS cruiser.

                          Cruise Missile: Toggle the "Tactical Missile" and the "Footsoldier" flags on. Tick the "Load" unit order obx.

                          AEGIS Cruiser: Set the number of holds to the desired amount (2 works for me).

                          Toggle the "Can carry Tactical Missiles" and "Carry footsoldiers only" flags. Tick the "Unload" unit order box and the "Naval Missile Transport" role boxes.

                          You can now carry Cruise missiles on both Nuclear subs and AEGIS cruisers, without allowing AEGIS cruisers to carry nukes. I don't know if enemy SDIs will shoot down cruise missiles under these changes, cool if it did though.

                          (There was a thread about this a week or two ago...."Cruise Missile Tweaks" or some such. Some ideas for converting the cruise missile into an air unit were kicked around, I haven't tried them out yet. )

                          There's a problem with this approach. As soon as I switch the Cruise to a Tactical, the AI options greys out and all I'm left with are Artillery and Explore. Which means the AI is not going to use them properly. The only alternative doing it this way would be to copy the Cruise, and make it a UU. I don't know enough about how air units work to be able to say whether switching it over to Air will solve the problem.

