I am having problems in succeding in Civ 3. In my first game, I rarely built any towns, and the land filled up. I had no access to resources. I lost when the end date came up. My second game, I decided not to let this happen. As soon as I researched iron working and horseback riding, I built a town near each resource. They were the closest strategic resources together. Besides that, I had a capital about equidistant from the 2 cities. Besides that, I had another city close to one of the ones with resources. I now had resources. I built roads connecting them and courthouses in 2 of the cities. But I am being KILLED by corruption. I have had to cut back on science funding a ton because of all the money I was losing due to corruption. And, the city with the most corruption is one of my cities with courthouses! I am now very far back in technology. I really need help.