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MAP: Imperialism

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  • MAP: Imperialism

    This is a standard sized map for eight civs. Everyone starts in one hemisphere and will quickly run out of room, as the other hemisphere cannot be reached until navigation is discovered. Early development of this tech and aggressive expansion into the new world is vital to success, mostly due to the fact that the mid-late game strategic resources are VERY scarce in the "old world."
    Please post suggestions, complaints, reviews and tips about the map on this thread. Recommend Monarch level and above. Enjoy.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    This map will certanly bring back memories about Imperialism II: the age of exploration. . Keep up the good work Valence.
    "All your base are belong to us" -Cats | "You don't leave an enemy at your back. Not if you like living." - Mara Jade | "You know the first rule in combat? ...shoot them before they shoot you." - Faye Valentine


    • #3
      Thanks for the encouragement, CivFan! I'm glad you liked it.


      • #4
        It's an interesting concept... however, what's to stop me from simply conquering my neighbours before they ever get of the continent?


        • #5
          "It's an interesting concept... however, what's to stop me from simply conquering my neighbours before they ever get of the continent"

          Well, Soapyfrog, if you were able to do that, then kudos to you my man! The starting hemisphere is in fact three continents with 2 civs on a medium sized northern landmass, 4 on a very large equatorial one, and 2 more on a southern one. So, it is possible to conquer the other 7 civs before navigation, but I think it is unlikely. I'd like to hear how many people were able to destroy their competition without using the new world, if that is happening. Perhaps a larger map would give all civs a chance to get better established and increase the probablity that more of them would be able to survive until/compete in the age of Imperialism.

