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Can't build small wonders

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  • Can't build small wonders

    Does anyone have an idea as to why I cannot build most small wonders after researching their tech? In my current game I have only been able to build IronWorks. I'm playing as the Germans on a normail sized map against five opponents. It is currently in the 1600's and I've got all tech up to jet fighters. I researched Espionage but cannot build the Intelligence Agency. Am I missing something? It would be nice to be able to build Heroic Epic, Battlefield Medicine, etc. I've poked around with the CivEdit tool, but nothing that should have removed those small wonders.



  • #2
    You need more than the technology.
    For Battlefield Medicine you must build 5 hospitals.
    To build the pentagon you need 3 armies ...
    Consult the civilopedia.

    Be happy you got Iron Works. Wow. For this you need luck.
    For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


    • #3
      Yes, I lucked out with the coal and iron within the radius of one of my towns. Sorry I wasn't specific, I have dozens of hospitals yet cannot build battlefield medicine. From what I read in the docs, the Intelligence agency only requires that Espionage tech must be researched. Still don't know what could be causing this.


      • #4
        You have 5 hospitals, the right tech and you still can´t build battlefield med?
        With dozens of hospitals you might have a lot of cities.
        Does some quiet city governor already build this wonder?
        For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


        • #5
          Nope, I'm too picky to use governors. I guess I'm a control freak. I even checked all of my cities to see if one slipped by and couldn't find them. Can't place spies either.


          • #6
            You may not build e.g. battlefield med.
            Does this mean you won´t find it a production box?
            Or BM is there but you may not click on it?
            For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


            • #7
              They don't show up in the build box for me to choose. It's like they don't exist. I totally forgot about the Forbidden Palace and Battlefield Medicine and noticed that they weren't there when I was trying to get the Intelligence Agency. When that didn't show up I noticed that the others weren't there either.


              • #8
                I´m sorry Cosmo, l have lots of questions but no solution.
                Its easy to say its a bug, but maybe we are missing something.
                Needless to ask - your nation is not in anarchy.
                Do you use patch 1.16f ?
                For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


                • #9
                  Sounds like you have lots and lots of cities. One thing I find annoying about Civ3 is a city will start bulding something you don't want. Check ALL of your cities. Cities love to start wonders after building units, even if they are size 3 and the wonder will take 200 turns to finish!!

                  It seems that cities also cannot build certain wonders. I have no clue why. They refuse to lock a change into the queue!
                  One OS to rule them all,
                  One OS to find them,
                  One OS to bring them all
                  and in the darkness bind them.


                  • #10
                    Lord Silvi -- You are correct, I'm not in anachary. My current gov type is Democracy. I've got the latest patch installed, too.

                    justjake73 -- I've checked all of my cities, I only have a couple that are less than size 13, and none are building these wonders.


                    • #11
                      Possible solution:

                      You forgot to build the SW when when it became possible.
                      Later on you overlooked it.
                      Then you got a new advance that makes the Wonder obsolete.

                      But I don´t believe it. The chance is to small.
                      What makes Battlefield Medicine obsolete?
                      For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


                      • #12
                        The problem may also be related to the number of armies you currently have and their status. I am not sure if this is true, but I beleive that for some of the small "military-type" wonders, you need to have at least one army. For others, I believe that you must have had a victorius army. I am mostly too lazy to look up these things, but it has been my experience through playing that this may be the problem. Hope it helps.


                        • #13
                          I just played a game on a huge map. I had about 20 cities on a single continent, and I was never given the opportunity to build the Forbidden Palace. I quit in the 1400's because corruption was boring me.

                          I can't figure out why I couldn't build it.


                          • #14
                            You can only build the Forbidden Palace once you reach a certain number of cities based on map size. This number is equal to 1/2 of your optimal city number/level if memory serves me right.

