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My Great 16 2 continent contest, HOW DO I FIGHT SHIP BATTLES?

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  • My Great 16 2 continent contest, HOW DO I FIGHT SHIP BATTLES?

    Quickly.. does anyone know how to repair ships other than in your own waters?
    do you have to be on sea, or fully away from enemy territory.
    i moved just outside enemy chinese waters, and couldn't repair.

    I suppose its realistic to not be able to repair a ship away from home.. they're such big pieces of equipment.

    I'm bombarding the chinese peninsular succesfully, cutting off their horses and coal.. but the iroquois lost an ironclad to my galley but now i'm not sure how to repair it its so far out at sea.. might head over to the greeks small city, have a ROP aggreement there.

    Included is my current 1750ad game, i'm nearing completion of Replaceable parts , though i could easily buy this from the Yanks for a bit..
    Any suggestions on my game, its turning out to be enjoyable though massive.
    16 civs, 2 large continents.. maybe i'll post the starting save so others can see how they do compared to me..
    I'm in the second half of a golden age and am building lots of stuff to make use of it, maybe I should mobilize soon? I think i'll wait till the end of GA before trying to go Republic or Commy..
    Revolutions take so long, wish we had the statue of liberty wonder still.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    You need to sail back to a city with a harbour improvement and then skip one turn - the hp indicator should then be back up to full. Makes sense I guess.


    • #3
      That sucks, It would be good if millitary alliances and/or right of passage allowed you to heal ships and units in allies territory/harbours.
      I have to go across 10 turns right now to get to the other massive continent now, I suppose i'll have to build some harbour cities in other countries borders as stop offs.
      I suppose its best not to get your ships hurt.. using big groups, with frigates to bombard the enemy till their nearly dead and finishign them off with a direct attack.


      • #4
        Your naval units will heal if they stay stationary at sea, but it is very slow! I THINK they have to be stationary for a turn, and then they heal 1 Hit Point OR LESS per turn.


        • #5
          Very Very slowly...

          Yes... the ships regain health (repair) very very slowly... far less than 1 HP/turn. I never tested the healing rate but it should be 1 HP/7+ turn at Monarch level.



          • #6
            One option is to keep some ships on station halfway between the continents, so healthy ships are more readily available. I'd also say dont get involved in pointless wars... but who can help themselves??
            "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez

