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Anyone working on new road graphics?

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  • Anyone working on new road graphics?

    I think I'm gonna try it... 256 tiles... *gasp*
    I tried the thing where you just replace the pallette colors, but it seems that would only work if you could change the color that the colors POINT to... whatever. But the thing is, I'm not gonna start this if someone's already working on it...

    My idea: simply make the roads not so "fat"... also, at select major road intersections putting something that perhaps resembles the buildings of a small town...

    Any questions/ comments?
    "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon

  • #2
    I dont actually mind how the roads look. I guess thinner would be better though, so im looking forward to your finished product (if you do decide to go ahead )
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      Argh... I don't think it's worth it. Fixing the roads would just make me itch to do the rails too and that's like a whole freakin' weekend...

      Maybe some brave soul will take it on...
      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


      • #4
        What about cobblestones? Difficult, but interesting


        • #5
          THAT's an idea... But 256 tiles... Jeez, if I'm gonna get CTS I'm not gonna get it from making better roads...

          Maybe someone could collaborate with me? We'll find four guys, each one gets 64 tiles... Anyone in?

          I like the cobblestone idea...

          BTW what do you guys think of maybe putting in little buildings at major intersections of roads to simulate small towns? Nothing crazy, but it might be kinda cool. Of course, it could only be a very small few since the whole idea is to NOT clutter up the map...
          "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


          • #6
            I an't do graphics, sorry

            But I have an idea about the cobblestones-Start with the civ 2 style railroads and then modify. I mean, they should be straight, right?

